‘Postcard to President Obama at 350 International Day of Climate Action in San Francisco’
courtesy of ‘Steve Rhodes’
Here in DC, our residential zip codes look like this: 200XX. Simple enough, but for many of us it leads to a mouthful. I typically abbreviate my 20005 zip code as “two triple-o five” when I give it over the phone, but this generally leads to hesitation/confusion by whoever is entering it. A friend of mine in Dupont says his 20037 zip code as “two hundred and thirty-seven”, which I say is just plain WRONG– that’s a three-digit number, not a zip code. Similarly, a friend who lives in Capitol Hill says her 20003 zip code as “two thousand and three”, which I think is misleading because it sounds like 2003.
So, has anyone found a good way of conveying your zip code orally without having to say “zero-zero-zero” in the middle?