We Love Arts

Seeing Through the Lens of Award-Winning Photographer Carol Guzy

Carol Guzy with her Dog Trixie, who was rescued from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina

Carol Guzy with her Dog Trixie, who was rescued from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, photo by Will Dolive

By Michael T. Ruhl

You wouldn’t know just casually talking to Carol Guzy that she’s a world class photographer who works for the Washington Post. The humble four-time Pulitzer Prize winner sits quietly in her Arlington home, tending to her dogs, two of which she rescued from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Her living room walls stand largely devoid of her photos, and she doesn’t even display her Pulitzer Prizes. The only indicators of a photographer in that room are a few old cameras sitting on the shelves. Her passion isn’t advertised, but poke her and she bleeds. Continue reading

Interviews, Life in the Capital, People, The Features, They Shoot DC

She Shoots DC: Paige Weaver

Photo courtesy of Paige Weaver, on Flickr
courtesy of Paige Weaver

Ever since I started our Weekend Flashback feature to start off your week, I’ve become fascinated with the myriad (just for you, Erin!) of photographers in our area. There’s such a wide range of talent, skill, expertise, and perspectives around here that’s worth sharing, so I decided to begin a periodic feature showcasing our local photogs and their array of works. Because DC imagery makes up only a small part of many of our local photographers’ repertoire, I want to give them a chance to expose their broad range of expertise and work – and their personalities.

Kicking off this periodic feature is Paige Weaver, known on Twitter as Moxie_Marmalade. A baker in Chevy Chase, Paige lives in the Mt. Vernon Triangle area and loves to shoot – and eat! – food on the side.

So who is Paige Weaver? Where do you come from originally?

Well, I grew up in Dallas, TX and ended up in DC via Maine and Tennessee. I graduated college in ’08 and moved to DC for a job, which I quit last August to attended culinary school in New York City. The school I attended emphasizes health supportive cooking — how ironic now that I make desserts for a living. But if you need a vegan, gluten-free dinner party menu, I’m your girl. I hate parsley, don’t discriminate against wine that comes in boxes, and have recently become obsessed with the Civil War.

I’ve also been participating in Project 365 this year, challenging myself to take a photograph every day of 2010. It’s been a great undertaking because it forces me to practice photography every day. As expected, some shots are much better than others, but so far, I haven’t missed a day!

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We Love Arts

We Love Arts: Victoria F. Gaitán

Victoria Gaitán by Max Cook
Victoria by Max Cook

As a patron of the arts, I have had the fortune of meeting many amazing people in the local arts scene, including gallery owners, curators, artists, and others who equally share my passion.  Only recently did it dawn on me that I have access to a quiver of creators, to some incredibly talented people whose lives and work I’d like to share with you, because well, it would be a shame not to.

Our city sometimes lacks the credit that it deserves in many aspects, particularly when it comes to the world of the arts.  Some of this criticism is rightly due, but in the relatively short time that I’ve lived in DC it has continued to bloom and take on an identity of its own, and I can’t tell you how excited I am to be a part of it.

So I’ve decided to dive head first into featuring creative minds that I know and who shine in my eyes, to feature their work and to share their lives with you.  My approach, much like my personality, is intended to be honest and unorthodox, and to educate you as well as myself in the process.  I hope to avoid formalities, skip the bullshit, and get right down to the dirt.

We begin with local photographer, Victoria F. Gaitán.  When I first saw her at a gallery opening years ago, I was intimidated by her height, 7″ heels, black latex pants, and blonde locks that flowed past her knees.  By nature I am not an extrovert, and I sure as hell am not one with a beautiful specimen like Victoria, so it took me a long time to get up the nerve to speak to her.  I remember a time when we sat on a couch next to each other, and given my fear factor and her shyness, not a word was spoken.  As time went on, I realized that she is one of the sweetest, nicest, most creative and approachable people on the planet, which is why I have chosen her to be my guinea pig.

The rest of this article features strong language and imagery that may not be suitable for work environments. If that’s not your thing, take a gander at this instead.

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