The Features, The Great Outdoors

Fall in DC: Foliage Proves It’s More Than An Urban Legend


I’m more productive on the weekends than I should be. My weekly personal promise of “taking the weekend to be lazy and sleep in past my alarm” never happens. This is a direct cause of the DC fall — or lack thereof.

Fall in DC is a myth. An urban legend. One that this once Chicago-resident finds hard to believe exists. Why, you might ask? Because it’s not cold yet. And when I say cold, I mean it hasn’t reached below 40 more than a handful of times yet this season — maybe even less than that handful. But DC does have one thing that Chicago fall doesn’t — fantastic fall foliage that lasts longer than a few days — proving that fall in DC is, in fact, a reality.

This stuff is gorgeous and covers the entire palate of possible colors. Some trees are still green and continue to maintain their springtime youthfulness. But it’s the mature yet stoic beauty of the leaf that appears to be on fire who strikes my fancy. Just one dying leaf has the ability to shout, “Look at me! Look at me!” We’ve got Mother Nature to thank for this one. Well — her and the DC National Park Trail Service. Continue reading

Entertainment, Fun & Games, The Features

We Love Crafts: Fall

Photo courtesy of
‘potato printing acorn and pumpkin’
courtesy of ‘jimmiehomeschoolmom’

The weather is cooling, cravings for hearty stews are upon us and hibernating within our homes is becoming the norm. As we’ll be spending more and more time inside, hiding from the cold and darkness that winter will bring, it’s time we turn our attention to some of the amazingly creative and fun crafts the fall season brings.

Personally, I’m really big on craft projects that will actually be useful, especially since I just moved and my apartment is in serious need of some decoration. Plus, there’s no better feeling than to finish a project and immediately see your hard work put to good use. I’m BIG on not spending a lot of money. One, because I don’t have the budget and, two, because I tend to have a lot of useless stuff around the house that can be recycled for crafting purposes. I also think that crafts projects should last at max only 4 hours and should be completed by that time.  No one wants to have shreds of felt paper, uncapped glue sticks and newspaper around their apartment for weeks at a time.  My motto: keep crafts simple, fun and doable. Continue reading

The Great Outdoors

We Love Foliage

Photo courtesy of Oblivious Dude

Hillside, courtesy of Oblivious Dude

Every change of season I think to myself “leaves are sneaky.”

It’s equally possible I’m just obtuse, but I suspect it’s a flavor of oblivious that a lot of us share. The changes are so gradual that we don’t notice till something forces us to become aware. Every year I look up one winter day and suddenly notice that the stand of trees no longer prevents me from seeing what’s behind it.  The leaves didn’t all fall off at once, but it certainly seems that way. In the spring I’m equally surprised when I realize my view cuts off suddenly in a shaded green.

Fall is equally surprising but more enjoyable. Suddenly all those leaves that have been turning one by one catch my notice in a collection of color. Driving to work today along Braddock road was a kaleidoscopic adventure. I didn’t stop to take any shots but lots of other people have been doing so. Below is a lovely shot that dionhinchcliffe got this weekend in Rock Creek. Check below the fold for more.

Photo courtesy of dionhinchcliffe

Beautiful shot of the old stone bridge on Beach Drive in Rock Creek Park on our hike today, courtesy of dionhinchcliffe

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