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News Roundup: A return to winter

Welcome back, everyone! We’re slowly returning to normal here (well, as close as we get to normal…) after the holidays. While we prime the pumps a bit, and get new and interesting stuff put together, here’s a few things going on in the area that might be of interest while we put our heads together a bit:

It’s Really Freaking Cold Out There

It was 27°F when I started the car this morning. Damn that’s cold. Well, it’s not getting any better out there, unfortunately. It’ll be cold and windy today, we’re doing our best Chicago impression. Tonight it’ll be worse, so grab your scarf and hat if you’re going anywhere.

Homicides Were Up in 2007

Despite the All Hands On Deck weekends, and the work of the MPD, homicides in DC were Up Seven Percent over 2006, with 181 fatalities classed as homicides in the District. While we’re under 200, and have been for four years running, this is one statistic I’d like to see take a dive in 2008.

Prisoner Escapes Laurel Hospital

This felt like Déjà Vu this morning, seeing a story about a prisoner escaping from his guard at the local hospital, but if you see a guy in an orange prison jumpsuit around town, the Prince Georges County Police would love to hear about it, I’m sure.

350 Fewer Firearms in DC

The MPD took 350 firearms off the DC streets this weekend as part of a buyback program, in which people are given between $10 and $100 for their firearms. It’s a good way to get rid of your guns, as they’ll be melted down by a local foundry, but since they’re test-fired by ballistics experts first, you might not want to turn in that murder weapon you’ve been keeping.

Airports Grab WiFi

I’ve complained in the past about Dulles and National not having decent wireless internet access, but my trips through Dulles this winter revealed both AT&T and T-Mobile networks in the D terminal, and it’s now airport-wide at both local airports, with access free for members of the coalition partners, and $9/day otherwise. Not too shabby, especially with the TSA doing long-ass screening and keeping as few lines open as their supervisors will allow them to.

That’s some of the news that’s fit to print. Our friends at Wonkette suggest there might be an election of some import tomorrow, but I figure if it’s Iowa, it’s really just a promise-them-corn-subsidies-and-move-on-with-life party.

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Happy New Year!

It is the first moments of 2008 and let it be my honor to wish you a happy new year. May 2008 be a wonderful year for you and yours.

May it be better than 2007 when too many DC landmarks burned and fire hydrants failed. May we have more change in leadership to match Fenty.

May DC get a winning sports team and voting rights. And may Aaron not burn his hands playing with sparklers in 2008.

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Post-Christmas Sale to beat all other Post-Christmas Sales

Did you really screw up with the gift you got your wife/husband/sister/brother/boss/secretary/mistress/masseur/milkman/gym buddy and now you need to make it right? Need a New Year’s gift for that special someone? Look no further.

From Craigslist:

GIANT HUGE 12 1/2 foot CHILE PEPPER “you never seen this” trade
This pepper is 12 1/2 foot long and 46in wide, sits on 4inx4in metal post, paints kind of faded. but you can paint. in annandale va seaweedbest@netscape.net 250 obo or trade for something ealse (sic)

Don’t say anything to them yet, but if it goes unclaimed long enough, this is what Wayan and his Butterbean are getting for their wedding gift from me.

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MBDC Grinch of 2007: Roy Pearson


He lost his pants, and then he lost his composure, but neither of those things got Roy Pearson $67 million. What it did get him was a sizable chunk legal fees, and, of course, the coveted spot as Metroblogging DC’s Grinch of the Year. Pearson, if you were living under a rock this summer, sued a local dry cleaners when they lost a pair of his pants. Normally, no giant thing. The problem here is that he sued for $67M. Yeah, with six zeroes. For a pair of his pants. Talk about your frivolous lawsuits…

Anyhow, Pantsgate turned into a national news story, and as the case went on, the more and more ridiculous things got, naturally. Pearson’s court case provided many moments of hilarity to the DC area, but the Dry Cleaners Shut Down this fall, as a result of all the legal travail. I can’t say I blame them, after that kind of harassment, I wouldn’t know what to do either, except close up shop and head home.

So, congratulations Roy Pearson for making a mockery of our courts, the entirety of the legal profession (which took some doing, I might add), and for reminding us that it doesn’t take much to become a giant flaming asshole. Congrats, you’re the Grinch of the Year. Vote totals are below the cut, for the curious.

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Lazy-Ass Christmas Pandas

Lazy-ass Christmas Panda IMGP0085

We don’t ask for much from these guys. All we want is for them to be cute, eat excess bamboo and maybe salute when we walk by, or at least look alive. Sleeping on the job is one thing, but it looks like somebody spiked this guy’s eggnog. I suppose if there’s ever a day to drink on the job it’s Christmas, so perhaps we should forgive little Butterstick.

For my lovely wife and me it’s the time-honored tradition of movies and Chinese take-out that will ensure that we live it up today. What are you doing to celebrate the holiday?

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Can poop get you laid?

Well, it may not be as good as oysters for hitting it with that special someone, but some people apparently think dog poop is as good as an aphrodisiac. Check out this Craigslist ad, in which a woman wants to ask out the guy who fell in her dog’s freshly made crap pile. If that’s not fodder for some boot knocking, I don’t know what is.

I was walking with my dog when you slipped and fell directly onto the poopy pile that little Sammy just left. lol! I couldn’t believe it, and was too stunned to ask you out. Hit me up after you wash all that poop off your nice white sweater.

I hope it was a holiday sweater, at least, and not one of those Cosby-type get-ups. If Ms. Poopy Dog or Mr. Poopy Sweater reads this, please comment and let us know the outcome and whether it was truly a match made in heaven or simply a crappy encounter, as one might guess from how it started.

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Vote for DC’s Grinch of the Year!

Thanks everyone for the great nominations for the 2007 Grinch of the Year! Here’s the promised poll, I’m sorry it’s late, but we’ll keep the voting up until Wednesday next. One vote per IP address, but if you get shut out or the poll doesn’t work, please put something in the Comments and we’ll do our best to make sure you’re counted.

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Pogues to Add Second DC Show

With tickets for the first show gone almost before they went on sale, the 9:30 Club has said there will be a second show with the Pogues. This from their Concert Schedule: “3/9 Pogues tickets are sold out. Tickets for a second Pogues show will go on sale soon. Please email list_serve@930.com to receive exclusive info first.”

So, if you want to Shane and friends, it’s time to drop the 9:30 an email and get on their concert list and get ready to ACT FAST for the second show.

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Fire at the Old Executive Office Building

A fire broke out in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building beside the White House this morning, apparently from bad wiring in a closet near the VP’s ceremonial office. The structure remains intact, firefighters have been on the scene, the fire is under control, and all building occupants have been evacuated. The EEOB has been undergoing some renovation work for “modernization” purposes; there’s no word on how this affects that process, but this may drive home how badly needed that modernization was.

More from DCist, WaPo, NBC4, WJLA, and WTOP. Predictably, comment threads on the news are full of Cheney conspiracy nuts/jokers. Spot the best ones.

From TIME Magazine, a history of White House fires.

(Photo courtesy jsmjr.)

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Abstract DC

I’m always impressed when a local photographer finds a way to show one of our beloved monuments in a new way or with a new light. Flickr user jtnhogs does just that with this photo taken behind the Lincoln Memorial. Captured at dusk, the sky is still blue, setting up a great rule of thirds photo. With the top of the memorial peaking over the top and the streak of car lights below, he’s created a very cool shot. This makes me want to take my camera and tripod out for some night shooting. Eh, maybe when it’s a little warmer.

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You Can Have Our Freedom, But You’ll Never Take Away Our POSTMARK!

After all the foofaraw about the Postmark last week, it’s nice to see some action about the problem. Delegate Holmes-Norton and Postmaster Moore figured out that this really was pretty stupid to have mail coming from DC labelled with a postmark in Suburban Maryland most of the time. So, rejoice those of you who have yet to mail your Christmas Cards, they could still get a DC postmark, even if they’re processed in Gaithersburg!

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In recognition of your initiatiative here’s your suspension

Today’s Washington Post reports (on page 4??) that Lt. Gerald Burton, a DC firefighter, has been dealt a two day suspension without pay for putting out a fire.

I’m trying to keep an open mind about this and consider the possible reasons this could be a valid disciplinary action. Was Lt. Burton not running with a full compliment of crew and this an unsafe course of action? Are there certification issues, given that he was on his way to a training class – perhaps there’s periodic refreshers he or his companion on the truck needed. The WaPo article is somewhat one-sided – there seems to be no official word from the DCFD, even a “we cannot comment on pending” blah blah blah.

However it’s hard for any of us who’ve dealt with city government to not wonder if this is simply business as usual in DC, with any sign of self-guidance being stomped on. Would anyone who went beyond orders to try to bring attention to the massive embezzlement going on have been disciplined for disobeying a direct command? it’s pretty hard for me to figure out what justifies not just a statement on someone’s record but taking two day’s work away from them… for being possibly too aggressive – if that’s possible – in putting out a fire and protecting lives and property.

UPDATE: I mailed the DC FD public information officer (his phone number went to voicemail), the correspondence after the jump

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DC’s Best Wine Bar

I believe that you like a restaurant or bar based partially on the quality of its food and/or drink, but also based on the experience you had there. Did you propose to your fiancée at The Inn at Little Washington? No doubt you’ll always have a fond place in your heart for that restaurant. Did your gag reflex kick in when you walked in the door of Lauriol Plaza, only to see it packed wall to wall with wannabe hipsters wearing way too much cologne and perfume? Well then the kick ass margaritas and fajitas probably didn’t improve your first impression much. So what is Uncle Max trying to say? Well, based on the quality of their wine, cheese, and service, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that DC’s best wine bar is none other than Veritas.

My first experience there wasn’t anything to write home about, but all in all it was a pleasant evening and I knew that I would be back. Note that if you’re looking to have a quiet glass of wine, this is not the place for you. When the after work crowd rolls in, the volume level challenges that of a jet engine despite the soundproofing material that you’ll find attached to the bottom of each table, but don’t let that scare you. My second experience was almost magical. My drinking partner and I were lucky enough to grab a table after lurking waiting for about ten minutes, in fact the table was offered to us by some guys who were also waiting. Who says chivalry is dead? Our waiter, an English bloke, brought us glass after glass of amazing wine since we gave him the power to make our selections for us. He once forgot to bring us the wine that we’d ordered, so to make up for his mistake he gave us each a $22 glass of flora springs “trilogy”, a mix of cabernet sauvignon, merlot, cabernet franc, malbec, and petit verdot. One word: Heaven. I don’t want to get the guy in trouble, but let’s just say that the cheese and pate that we ordered was nowhere to be found on the bill at the end of our (five and a half hour) night. Let’s also just say that he got a very generous tip as a result.

So that’s it, my favorite wine bar in DC. Done deal. How about you? Now is the time when I duck and cover as people strongly disagree with me and start calling me names.

Photo by Hoffman

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Emergency Stop

After a windy Sunday spent shopping for giftable DC novelties at the Smithsonian museum stores and around Gallery Place/Chinatown, my wife and I headed into the Metro station to head home and rest our feet. As we descended towards the Red Line level, I noticed two teenage girls walking around the mezzanine escalators. Then, with a look of mischief, one of them nonchalantly reached out pressed the Emergency Stop button on the Up escalator, resulting in a loud buzz, a squeak, and, as should be expected, a stopped Up escalator.

I must point out that there was no emergency in progress, that no one was riding on the escalator in question, and that there was absolutely no reason for this girl to push that button and stop that escalator, thereby giving a hard time to everyone who had to go up to the Gallery Place Metro mezzanine from the next arriving train.

I looked sharply at the girls in annoyance, but they were already casually strolling down the still-moving escalators to the Green Line, tittering to themselves, no doubt congratulating one another on their ability to successfully push red buttons marked “EMERGENCY.”

It makes me wonder just how many of the numerous stopped escalators on Metro aren’t actually broken but are just waiting for a station manager to start them up again, thanks to dumb idiot button-pushing kids without any sense of common decency.

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Hurry, Dammit!

As the wind whips my neighborhood’s remaining foliage into a gusty frenzy, sullying the just-cleaned grass, it seems that everything is rushing toward the holidays. My clients are calling with last-minute jobs that I enjoy, trying to sprint their way to week-long lull that exists between Christmas and New Year’s. Friday seems to be the day that has everyone full of dread before a four-day weekend of revelry, family, celebration, or relaxation, contemplation, and rest. What greeted my inbox this morning was this wonderful sight:


Yes, every online retailer I know begging me to please put my order in before tomorrow comes and the shipping windows for goods closes for the year. But, as Amazon and its friends are less able to help you, there are a slew of local businesses that will be more than glad to. Eschew the malls and their chains, find a neat place like Home Rule, and their awesome Christmas Window, or maybe hit the Downtown Holiday Market in Penn Quarter (thanks, Penn Quarter Living!) and find something beautifully crafted there. Tell Amazon to shove their hurry hurry hurry and go grab something that allows you a stroll and some leisure time.

Even if it’s windier than Chicago out there.

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Cold Rain

radar20071215.gif Sorry to those of you who were holding out hope that the upcoming winter weather warning would bring snow; the weatherfolk are quite clear that it will be just rain, perhaps starting as freezing rain tonight. I was just out at Cleveland Park and there was a light misty sprinkle, but that was it. The heaviest of the rain will fall tonight, easing up through the morning, then turning sunny.

Afterward we’ve got high wind warnings! After the rain subsides tomorrow, expect wind gusts of up to 60mph, with possible power outages and a small chance of flying lobbyists.

Above: Capitol at night in rain, c. 1919, photo courtesy Library of Congress.

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New National Wrote Thank You to HGH Dealer on Stadium Stationery

Ah, Paul Lo Duca. Welcome to Washington. Please, please, don’t make the same mistake you made in LA:


Yeah, you thanked your HGH dealer on Dodger Stadium Stationery. That was great. I know, my mom always told me to send thank you notes to folks who helped me out, and I certainly respect that you took the time to send the guy who helped you break the law a nice thank you note.

I look forward to future notes sent on Nationals and Nationals Park stationery.

Hat tip to Chris Needham for the news.

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WMATA Bumps Fares Come January

The governing body has approved a fare hike that will raise Metro fares by up to $0.60 per trip, parking by $0.75 per day and bus fares by $0.10. The fare hike is designed to prevent a $110M shortfall predicted in next year’s budget. Here’s how the fare problems break out:

The new base rail fare: $1.65 (up from $1.35)
The new max rail fare: $4.50 (up from $3.90)
The new parking rate: up to $4.00 (up from $3.25)
The new metrobus fare: $1.35 (up from $1.25, remains $1.25 if you use SmarTrip)

No word on why Metro chose to leave bus fares static for SmarTrip card users, or why a similar option (or at least a lower fare hike…) wasn’t provided to rail users. The new fares take effect on January 6th, 2008, so enjoy your “cheap” fares for the rest of the year, and get ready to budget up to another couple bucks a day for next year’s fares.

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The juicer list is out and about

With the Mitchell report out today everyone’s looking to see which of their (least) favorite players are showing up on it and who of their local teams are there, past or present. The Nationals have gotten off light, with only former players Jose Guillen and Mike Stanton listed. The team owned by our favorite person, Peter Angelos, has a few more names on there. I see Gibbons, Roberts, Segui, Tejada, and Williams.

I might have missed one or two, or not listed a player from pre-2002, when the report says the practice was more widespread.

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