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Valentine’s Madness – V-Day D-Day

Jonny Goldstein‘s
heart-shaped pancake

Yep, this is it, folks. If you haven’t bought a gift by now, probably you are scrambling and sweating or else are simply single and glad to not have to scramble and sweat. Don’t forget the meaning of this day, though. The whole idea is to show your love, not to empty your wallet.

Forget the cards, chocolates, flowers, sassy cats, stuffed animals and gift cards to your favorite after-church sex goods store. All that stuff is old hat. If you want to look sincere, you are going to have to be sincere and really put forth effort. Here is my list of Valentine’s Day gifts to capture the heart of that special person in your life.

Top Five Alternative Valentine’s Day Gifts

  • Homemade Meal – be a regular Jonny Goldstein and cook your sweetie a nice meal. It comes from the heart, is romantic and is a great way to share something special and homemade in private, rather than going out to show off to other couples.
  • Gift Certificate to a Book Store – What better way is there to show your affection than by offering to stimulate your lover’s mind? Better yet, go with him/her to pick out a special book.
  • At-Home Poetry Reading – Share the beauty of poetry with your loved one. Just because Rod Stewart couldn’t “quote you no Dickens, Shelley or Keats” doesn’t mean you shouldn’t seek it out and delight in the perfect proportions of poetry.
  • Take a Drive – On your way somewhere for the evening? Enjoy the lights of downtown. Heck, even cross the river and see the lights of Georgetown and Foggy Bottom on the river. One of the most majestic river sights, in my opinion, is on the Key Bridge, where you can look over and see the Kennedy Center glimmering on the water and the Washington Monument in the background.
  • Just be Together – What better way is there to create romance than simply being together, minds in the present moment? Enjoy each other. Talk and listen. Spend less time doing and more time just being.

What are your plans? How will you show your love today? Or do you observe this holiday at all?

This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs

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The Morning News: We Love You Edition

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone. We know that not everyone has a special someone, but today, know that we here at Metblogs love you. Yes, even you creepy stalker girl. And you, too, Poo Poo.

Another Crazy Lawsuit

Except that this time, it’s Best Buy being sued, and not a Dry Cleaners. A woman is suing Best Buy for $54 million for losing her laptop. She took it to the Tenleytown Best Buy for repair, and they promptly lost her laptop. Of course, they bought her a new laptop and she got a $500 gift card for her trouble. But that apparently wasn’t enough. So she’s suing. For $54M. Ridiculous. C’mon people, this is stupid.

VDOT Says “Oops, My Bad”

VDOT is apologizing for their complete fuckup on the roads on Tuesday night, that ended up shutting down multiple interchanges on the Beltway due to ice. However, really what they’re doing is putting the blame on the weather forecast, which is a load of horseshit, and Bob Marbourg from WTOP is calling them out: “We would only hope that the highway departments would put the forecasts down, look at the real time temperatures and look at the radar off in the distance and anticipate, ‘Hey, the forecast is going out the window.'”

United Stadium at Poplar Point?

Looks like the City wants to keep its only good sports team after all. The City is floating a proposal for a 27,000 seat soccer stadium at Poplar Point, costing between $150-230M, which is chump change in comparison to the new Nationals stadium. If successful, it’d be the largest publicly funded soccer venue in MLS history.

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Lying with pictures

I was annoyed by the Express’ crappy headline writing, but who knew the big-boy paper had retarded photo editors? How else to explain this article on the passage of the FISA bill with included bans on waterboarding, accompanied by a photo of long-time torture opponent John McCain. As he stridently clenches his fist, below is a quote of him saying “Staging a mock execution by inducing the misperception of drowning is a clear violation.”

Too bad he actually voted against this amendment.

Don’t get me wrong, WaPo didn’t get the fact wrong. Wayyyyyyyyyyy down in paragraph 11 they state he opposed this and sided with the administration on this one. You’d just never know it from this misleading picture and quote.

What’s up with that, WaPo?

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Good Luck to Murky Baristas!

Mocha Art

Originally uploaded by tbridge.

I just wanted to give a shout-out to my friends at Murky Coffee who will be competing in this weekend’s Free Pour Latte Art Competition happening on Saturday at the Washington Convention Center as part of the Coffee Fest trade show at the Convention Center.

Good luck Allie, Anne, Randy and my favorite, Marianne. May all your pours be perfect!

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In the Land of Ice and Snow…

It’s cold, icy and snowy-ish outside. Ready for some red-hot hockey?

Yes, yes, I know – me, a diehard Penguins fan blogging about the Caps. Well, hey – though I love to hate on the local hockey boys, I love and respect the game more. And considering that Olaf Kolzig (right) recently played his 700th career NHL game on Sunday – with a 3-2 OT win over the flagging Rangers, I think it deserves mention. Even from a black-n-gold supporter like me.

I recognize talent and tenacity when I see it. And the Caps’ recent tear has a lot to do with the Man in the Mask as much as it has to do with Ovechkin’s stellar play. If the Caps retain their 3rd seed (and SE Division title) to the end of the regular season, it will be in no small part due to Kolzig and his solid, stalwart play.

Ollie the Goalie entered the NHL during the 89-90 season, appearing only twice and allowed 6 goals during those 120 minutes. Sixteen seasons later with the same team he started with, he’s still going strong. By far, he’s been a pillar of all the Cap teams since he became the go-to goalie in the 97-98 season; I know many Pens fans (myself included) continue to see him as our nemesis between the pipes whenever these two rivals meet.

Over the course of his workhorse days, he’s compiled a 296-290-21 record, with 63 ties and a 2.71 GAA. Not bad with a team that’s seen more dips and heights than Space Mountain during that timespan.

And I’ll give him this – in today’s modern sports world, it’s rare to find a player sticking with one team for (what may be) his full career*. I tend to root for such loyal players more than the ‘for rent’ guys who shuffle back and forth between teams during the gear-up to the playoff season.

So while I still love to dis the Caps, I’ll reserve a beer-hoisting to Ollie the Goalie the next time I get to the Verizon Center (which’ll be in March…because the Almighty Penguins are due one more time this season).

Congrats, Kolzig, on a great run so far. Here’s to a few more – just make sure to take the day off when Crosby and gang come to town, mmmkay?

*Rumors of a last-minute trade aside, I hope more for Kolzig’s sake that the Caps hold onto him until he retires. He deserves that much respect, at least.

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Charity Yoga

Georgetown Yoga is offering you the opportunity to accomplish three goals in a single Sunday afternoon: take a yoga class, make a donation to a worthwhile charity, and help someone move forward in their career. A reasonably productive hour!

Multiple studies have confirmed the many mental and physical benefits of yoga. Incorporating it into your routine can help enhance your health, increase strength and flexibility and reduce symptoms of stress, depression and anxiety. Finding the time to practice yoga just a few times per week may be enough to make a noticeable difference when it comes to your health, learn more from The Yoga Nomads.

Hot yoga has become a popular exercise in recent years. It offers many of the same benefits as traditional yoga, such as stress reduction, improved strength, and flexibility.

But, with the heat turned up, hot yoga has the ability to give your heart, lungs, and muscles an even greater, more intense workout.

The charity yoga classes offer students who are working through the Yoga Works yoga teacher training program an opportunity to work with members of the public. You get an hour-long mixed-level class at the popular Georgetown studio, for a donation of $5 or more.

Money raised from the donations will be given to a charity selected by the students, The Wendt Center for Loss & Healing and Pediatric AIDS/HIV Care. The Wendt Center says it “is a premier resource for addressing grief in adults and children. Pediatric AIDS/HIV Care works to preserve, assist and strengthen the well-being of children ages 5-18 infected and affected by HIV/AIDS in metropolitan Washington, DC.”

Charity-slash-training yoga classes will be held on Sundays, from 5:30-6:30 on February 24th, March 30th, April 27th, May 25th, June 15th, and June 29th.

For those who have been thinking about trying yoga for the first time this seems like an especially great opportunity – no commitment, and if you decide it is not for you, at least you made a difference for the student and for the charity.

This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs

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Valentine’s Madness, Day Two

Fucked up sassy cat
Oral Copulation Sassy Cat
seen at Harris Teeter

“Here you go, snookums. I got you an electric, dancing, noisemaker cat for Valentine’s Day and it appears to be ready for oral copulation. That’s a gift for everyone!”

If I brought this home, I would expect my lovely wife to feel insulted, as if that was all she was worth. I think I would do better to forget the whole holiday. At least then I wouldn’t have to explain why I gave her such a turd of a gift.

Whatever you do, don’t get this for your sweetheart. Guys, I am trying to help you out here. It dances, sings a song and annoys the hell out of the grocery clerks. At least it does when I walk by and press all the buttons like a three-year-old. If you need a stuffed animal for that special someone, go for the little bear to the right of the cat. The bear is trying to get some love, as opposed to the cat, who looks more like she is trying to give it up.

What do you think is the perfect romantic gift?

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Lightly glazed

Lightly glazed

Happily the overnight temps weren’t so low as to keep this kind of spectacle in place for this morning. This car was parked near mine when I left work around 7:30 last night and the photo doesn’t really do justice to the krispy kreme look all the vehicles had. It was an real flashback for me to my visit up here for a conference in the late 90s, when a severe ice storm left my rental car so encased in ice that I had to kick the door repeatedly to get it so it could open.

And yes, if you’re wondering, when the car is that frozen, so is the ground underneath it… which makes for some real entertainment when someone is on one foot repeatedly kicking an immovable object. Or at least my friend thought so – my ass was less convinced.

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The Morning News: Two Hour Delay Edition

I took one look at my car this morning and flashed back to the awful traffic I sat in for 90 minutes trying to go to class last night. It wasn’t pretty. There was screaming. But the roads are better today, and with the Feds on a 2 hour delay, and a bunch of schools doing the same, I think we’re in for a peculiar commuting day. Especially when the rain turns to snow for evening rush.

Two Local Reps Unseated in Primary

For many of us, there was only one ballot option yesterday: President. However, for at least one congressional district in Maryland, there were also primary challenges against their incumbent representative, and two of the incumbents were sent packing: 8-term Congressman Albert Wynn and 9-term Congressman Wayne Gilchrest.

Why not? We already have a bunch of crazy sports figures, what’s one more?

Sure, Chad Johnson is certifiable. But then again, so is Dan Snyder, so why not bring his chocolate to our peanut butter and make a great big ol’ crazy sandwich? Just what this town needs is a guy who’s more flash than bang. It’ll work out great! Right?


Why are you staring at me like that?

400 Student Flu Outbreak at College Park

I’ve got a feeling that if you work at UMD or attend there, you might want to stock up on surgical masks to avoid all the sick folks around you. Or just don’t go to class. That’d work, too.

Tractor Man Remains Free!

Yeah, Tractor Man predates this blog, which is honestly a shame, because it’s probably one of the funniest things I’ve seen happen in DC. He drove a giant tractor onto the Mall to protest tobacco policy, and claimed to have a bomb on board the tractor, which allowed him to raise hell and wreak havoc for 48 hours while the police freaked out, and the rest of us laughed at him.

But, he’ll remain a free man despite what prosecutors considered to be an overly short sentence. That’s fine, though, he may have been crazy, but he’s the kind of crazy this town needs.

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DC Says: Obama!

Picture 4.png The results of the DC Primary are now being tallied, and with 48% counted, Sen. Barack Obama is leading by a margin of 3 to 1 over Sen. Hillary Clinton. Congratulations, Senator Obama on being the District’s clear choice.

What’s that say when the District that was home to then-First Lady Hillary Clinton can’t muster more than a quarter of the vote?

Regardless, thanks to all who voted today. Maryland’s still not reporting much in the way of results, but is projected to go to McCain and Obama.

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Obama claims Virginia, McCain and Huckabee duke it out

With 35% of the vote in and counted in Virginia, Sen. Barack Obama is the clear winner (by a 2 to 1 margin!) of the state’s primary. On the Republican side, though, the vote is MUCH harder to sort, as the state-wide lead between McCain and Huckabee is less than 1,400 votes.

What’s fascinating is to look at the map and note the trends by geographic district. The close-in suburbs are certainly pro-Obama/McCain, while the western portion of the state are dramatically Huckabee/Clinton. Certainly that says interesting things about our region.

Update: McCain is predicted now to take Virginia, but the margin is far too narrow for McCain’s taste, I would expect.

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The Roads in DC: Epic Fail

I wanted to go to class tonight. I did. We were talking about a book that I had strong opinions about, that I spent a lot of time thinking about. However, the 7-mile drive from home to the Virginia Tech campus was not to be. I knew I was in trouble when the intersection of Route 7 and my street was backed up and not moving. I gave it my all, but when after 80 minutes in the car I wasn’t a mile from home, I gave up and turned around.


The roads are downright awful out there tonight. Parts of the Beltway are closed. Several major interchanges are closed due to horrific ice, there are 20 car pileups and there’s an ice storm warming until tomorrow morning at 7, it’s just pretty freakin’ awful out there.

I know you’ve probably got awful stories, please relay them in the comments.

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Guess we found our next law and order candidate

Continuing the trend of “don’t be an ass and you don’t have to be embarrassed if you get taped” here’s a video on YouTube from Baltimore. In it, Officer Rivieri (he identifies himself at 1:55) gets indignant with a skateboard, apparently assaults him and takes his property, then continues to berate him some more before intimidating the kid taking the video into turning off his recording.

I suppose it’s possible he subsequently returns the board or arrests the kid and puts it into evidence, but we can’t tell from here. All we can be certain is that he embarrasses himself and ahem Charm City by being such a bully and jerk.

Happily, Baltimore seems to be more responsive when one of their employees engages in inappropriate behavior than the Fairfax school system is.

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Post’s Live Online TV Coverage Begins

WaPo TV.png

If you’re dying for coverage of the election today (oh and believe me, I am one of you) then maybe check out the Washington Post’s new Potomac Primary election coverage that just started at 4pm today. Hosted by Jon Meachamm, Editor of Newsweek, I’ve already seen Chris Cillizza on, and I know that they’re expecting Dan Balz, Sally Quinn, Mark Miller, Eleanor Clift and others as featured guests, as well as Metblogs’ favorite Marc Fisher. Dana Millbank is also hanging out on the set in the newsroom at WPNI in Arlington.

If you’re looking for local insight, check out their broadcast via washingtonpost.com, they’ll be much better, and I imagine much more…entertaining than the botox-ridden Wolf Blitzer.

Updated: Of course in the time that it took me to write and post this entry, the broadcast has taken a break until 7pm. D’oh! Teach me to watch and not write immediately….their guitar rock music backing to the static graphic indicating they’re offline right now, though, is pretty good stuff.

Picture 3.png

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Valentine’s Madness, Day One

Expensive Roses

Yep, all the florists are in on it. They know you need to buy roses to keep from sleeping in the doghouse on Valentine’s Day. Come on – $65 for a box of a dozen roses that will end up in my compost bin after a few days? I seriously doubt the lasting effects of a box of roses. Call me unromantic, but to me a whole rose bush, three of which are on the way to my home right now, is even better because it produces roses one after another, giving glorious blooms like they were penny candy. Yet a whole rose bush isn’t a romantic gift.

I once dated a woman who said that she would be really happy if I got her a dozen roses or else a single rose, but that half a dozen wasn’t romantic at all. Neither was two dozen. A whole room full of them and you are back to romantic. I never understood this logic but other women have confirmed its validity.

All this leaves me confused about the nature of romantic gifts. Things that show care, such as road flares, reflective vests or a good pair of shoe insoles aren’t romantic, even though they would last longer than cut flowers or candy. Flowers and candy really have the message of zooming to the express lane to get in someone’s pants, yet they are the traditional romantic gifts.

What are you getting your sweetie for Valentine’s Day? What does it mean to you?

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Where to Vote Today

If you’re thinking to yourself right about now that you should’ve looked up where your polling place is by now, but don’t know, you’re in the right place. Here’s how to find out where you should be voting today.

In DC: Use this handy Polling Place Finder, it searches based on your home address, or, if you know your precinct number, on that. There are 142 precincts in DC, and there’s a full list here, complete with entrance locations, and handicapped entrance locations. Polls close at 8pm.

In Virginia: Use the State Board’s Polling Place Finder. It’s based on your Home Address, so put that in, and it’ll be all good. If your address isn’t on there, contact the State Board and they’ll tell you where to go! Polls close at 7pm.

In Maryland: Check out the UMBC Election Day Polling Place Locator, which is weird because it’s actually not at the State Board’s site. However, give it your home address and it’s off to the races. Polls close at 8pm.

Please be aware that if you have proper identification and someone tries to turn you away, please ask to speak to the head judge of the polling station. They can check with the county or city clerk to make sure that you’re in the right place, and you can always cast a provisional ballot. Provisional Ballots are reviewed by the county or city clerk’s office to make sure that you were indeed registered and that you had the right to cast your ballot. Don’t get angry, be polite, be firm, and exercise your right to a franchise.

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Getting out the Magical Unity Pony 08 vote

My darling girlfriend and I got to our polling place around 8:15 this morning (what’s the point of white collar work if you can’t use voting as an excuse to come in late?) and got in the not-too-horrid line. At least it started just inside the door, a big improvement on the line that snaked around the building when she voted there for President in 2004. The “about 20 minutes” someone mentioned when we got there was more like 40, in no small part because the roster table had two people… with books they were keeping in sync.

If you want to find a problem with the open primary system, this might be it. Although these two fellows divided the handing out of Democratic and Republican “ballots”1 between them, they never the less were marking people off as having shown up in both books – presumably to keep someone from coming back later and asking for the other party’s ballot. So no speed advantage there, though it did mean I could easily see the two tally sheets. At the time of my arrival they’d handed out 211 Democratic slips and 53 Republican ones.

I can’t speak for anyone else, but the wait was well worth it for me. Not so I could pick the MUP candidate I did, but because at the age of 37 this makes my first-ever primary vote. I’ve been a registered independent all through my voting life and I came here from a closed primary state, Florida. So this was my first pull of the lever unverifiable button push in a primary.

Which my darling girlfriend promptly canceled out. Teamwork, I tell you!

1 Actually just printed slips of paper that told the kiosk worker which button to press when activating the tools of Satan electronic voting machines.

This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs