The Daily Feed

Chinatown Coffee Goes to Eleven on 11/11/11

Looking for a way to celebrate the very auspicious date of 11 11 11?* How about watching the movie that made eleven famous, This Is Spın̈al Tap. The phrase “Up to eleven” has its own Wikipedia page because of this movie, after all.

Chinatown Coffee has got you covered with a screening starting at 7:30, complete with drink specials. They will be projecting the film up on the wall while you sip your absinthe and think about what to name your next band.

*That is, a way to celebrate other than attending the grand meeting of Corduroy Club on the date which most resembles corduroy, 11|11|11. An event which I am personally hosting and thus this plug is very inappropriate, indeed.

Sports Fix, The Daily Feed, WTF?!

Nationals’ Wilson Ramos feared Kidnapped in Venezuela

Photo courtesy of
courtesy of ‘MissChatter’

The Nationals’ catcher, Wilson Ramos, is feared to have been kidnapped while playing winter baseball in Venezuela. This evening, numerous reports, including one from his winter ball club, indicated that the Nationals’ young catcher has been abducted from his home in Valencia, Venezuela by parties unknown.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Ramos and his family, and we hope for a quick resolution.

Update, 8:20pm Spanish language newspaper El Nacional has an article on the reported kidnapping. Google Translate gives us these paragraphs:

According to respondent, 4 gunmen approached the grandeliga Washington Nationals near his home in the Santa Ines, capital of Carabobo, and took him away.

“They are still waiting for the kidnappers contact the family,” continued the insider. “At the moment the only thing they have done is to inform the police.”

Food and Drink, The Daily Feed

BlackSalt’s Oyster Tasting Fundraiser

Photo courtesy of
courtesy of ‘Jenn Larsen’

Seafood, and more specifically oysters, is the name of the game with BlackSalt. The restaurant group is hosting an oyster tasting event at BlackSalt Fish Market & Restaurant this Saturday, November 12th from 3 to 5 PM.

The tasting is part of chef and owners Barbara and Jeff Black’s efforts to raise money for a state-of-the-art kitchen at the Washington Nationals Diabetes Care Complex at Children’s National Medical Center. The kitchen will help educate diabetes patients and their families about healthy cooking and how to manage a nutritious diet with diabetes. To date, the restaurant group has raised nearly 70 percent of its $200,000 fundraising goal.

The Oyster Tasting will feature more than a dozen oyster varieties from North America served raw on the half-shell, grilled, fried and more, along with wine pairings. Tickets to the tasting are $85 in advance or $95 at the door.

The Daily Feed

Give 2 The Max Day: Trying to raise millions in one day

Photo courtesy of
‘No I don’t want to support breast cancer Safeway’
courtesy of ‘wfyurasko’

Today is Give 2 the Max Day for the Greater DC area, a pop-up day for charitable donation, with organizations doing their best to collectively raise millions. Hosted through charity site Razoo, local charities could register up through Monday of this week, and now a massive directory of good causes are competing for $125,000 in funds and grants and prizes (PDF)for various donor levels and amounts.

Chances are, your favorite charity in DC is in the directory today. Do some good, DC. As of post time today, over 3,000 people have donated, with $338,186 in the coffers so far.

Causes that we’ve highlighted here and elsewhere that are participating include Miriam’s Kitchen, DC Central Kitchen, Woolly Mammoth Theatre, the Washington Nationals Dream Foundation, and United for D.C.

Anything and everything helps, DC. Do note that Razoo does take 3% of donations to cover their CC processing fees, and adjust accordingly.

Adventures, Business and Money, Entertainment, Essential DC, Fun & Games, Life in the Capital, Special Events, Technology, The Daily Feed

ESPN Zone Arcade Game Auction

Photo courtesy of
‘ESPN Zone’
courtesy of ‘darkensiva’

Via Thrillist this morning, the now-closed ESPN Zone is auctioning off pretty much all of their arcade games and the going prices aren’t bad. Knowing the WeLoveDC audience, I figured there would be some of you out there interested in getting your gaming hands on some of these classics. Aside from the games, the auction includes lighting, furniture and industrial kitchen equipment from the Zone, so if you’re in need of an ice cream machine or a heavy duty deep fryer this is your auction.

If I lived in a group house, I would totally be ALL over my housemates to chip in and buy one of these beauties. Personally, I’m partial to the Trophy Hunting (Bear & Moose) and the Super Shot games, but I’m sure the Slapshot Hockey and Washington Redskins Football Throwing game will be big fan favorites as well.

Food and Drink, The Daily Feed

Food & Friends Annual Slice of Life Pie Sale

Photo courtesy of
‘cherry pie’
courtesy of ‘ekelly80’

Rather than stress over dessert this Thanksgiving, you can leave the pie baking to someone else and help a good cause.

Food & Friends is hosting their annual Slice of Life pie sale to help feed their clients throughout the city. Food & Friends is a nonprofit organization in DC that provides meals, groceries and nutrition counseling to individuals living with life-challenging illnesses such as HIV/AIDS and cancer. Buy one pie and you’ll be providing a full day of meals to a Food & Friends client.

This year’s five flavors include pecan pie, sweet potato pie, pumpkin pie, apple crumb pie and a US Airways sky pie (a chocolate-covered cheesecake). All pies are $25, with the exception of the US Airways pie which is $40. And if you’re curious about how the pies taste, you can stop by downtown Silver Spring on November 9th from 11:30 AM til 1:30 PM or at Friendship Heights on November 12th from 12 PM til 2 PM to try free samples.

You can place your pie order any time before midnight on November 17th. You can pick up your pies from 26 different locations from 11 AM til 8 PM on November 22nd.

News, The Daily Feed

Occupy DC calling press conference over weekend incident

Photo courtesy of
courtesy of ‘jasonepowell’

This past Friday evening, four pedestrian protestors were struck in the street near the convention center by a driver trying to leave the area that had been surrounded by the protest.  Three of them were issued citations for blocking the roadway, one of which was served at the hospital.

Yesterday, a hastily called press conference was delayed when Chief Greene was late to arrive, and under-informed concerning the situation.

Today at 12:15pm at the Convention Center Skywalk (between 7th and 9th on Mount Vernon Place) the Occupy DC protestors will hold a press conference concerning the incident and will demand a full investigation into the incident. I would bet good money on a march to depart from McPherson Square around 11:30 or so, on foot to the Convention Center.  If you’re intending to drive through the area at that time, 1) DO NOT hit the protestors with your car. Your hurry isn’t that important, or you’d have a motorcade, 2) Plan on roving road closures in the area.

Overall, MPD has largely kept a respectful distance from the protests, not behaving as, say the Oakland PD (who’ve sent protestors to the hospital), or the NYPD (who are reported to have directed misbehaving vagrants to Zuccotti Park), but Friday’s incident was certainly a case where they don’t seem to have given the protestors a degree of respect they deserved. The MPD owe an explanation in full to the city for what happened, and why the driver was allowed to leave the scene uncited. You can’t just run into people, even if they’re in the street you need to cross.

News, The Daily Feed

High-Pressure Gas Leak in Dupont

Photo courtesy of
‘fire truck’
courtesy of ‘volcanojw’

The twitter account of the Firefighters Union, @IAFF36, is reporting this morning that there is a high-pressure gas leak at 2121 Massachusetts Avenue this morning in the Dupont Circle neighborhood, with hazmat trucks in response.  The buildings in the surrounding area have been evacuated as a precaution.

The area near the address includes at least three embassies (India, Estonia, and Mali) and is near the Phillips Collection art museum. 2121 Massachusetts Avenue is home to the Cosmos Club, a private social club.

Traffic is shutdown in the area, so if you’re heading to Dupont by car today, consider adding some time to your schedule.

Food and Drink, The Daily Feed

Friday Happy Hour: Old Gold

The other night, when it was particularly chilly, I demanded to swing by Big Bear Cafe for a hot toddy. It was, in fact, pretty much the thing around which I organized my whole evening. There are plenty of places that will make you a very good hot toddy, but ever since they featured their Jamaican version a few weeks ago, I have been hooked on getting them from Big Bear.

The thing about hot toddies is, though, no matter how hard you try to photograph them, they just look like tea. Also, I have not yet precisely isolated what I like so much about Big Bear’s, so I do not have much to report. What I can report on, however, is the other cocktail I sipped that night – one of the originals off their current cocktail menu – the Old Gold.
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Technology, The Daily Feed

Recycle those old hazards this weekend

Photo courtesy of
‘Car Bumper in Recycling Bin’
courtesy of ‘Mr. T in DC’

If you’ve been holding on to some hazardous waste, or just have some old electronics that you don’t want to just put in the landfill, this is your weekend. DC DPW is accepting household hazardous waste and e-cycling materials for free this Saturday from 8 until 3 at the Fort Totten Transfer Station (not the metro station, but nearby).

Recyclables don’t have to be dishwasher clean. Empty them out, give it a quick rinse, shake off the water and voila! A quick swish or rinse with cold water will usually do the trick. After you rinse it out, shake off the water so other items won’t get wet and throw them in your bin. According to the home cleaning services dublinIt is NOT mandatory for you to remove each label before chucking the can, bottle, or jar into the recycling bin. Luckily, the recycling process includes a heating process where any labels and excess glue are burned away.


Here’s what you can bring:

Acceptable household hazardous waste items include acids, aerosols, antifreeze, batteries, cleaning chemicals, fluorescent light bulbs, stains, varnish, fertilizer, pesticides, automobile fluids, and lighter fluid.  Acceptable e-cyclables include audio/visual equipment, CD Rom drives and CDs/DVDs, cell phones, computers and monitors, fax and copy machines, pagers, power supplies, printers, TVs, VCRs and tapes, and video games and software.

In addition, there will be free shredding services available for up to 5 20″x14″x14″ boxes of personal documents. Business documents are a no-go.

Fort Totten Transfer Station
4900 John McCormack Drive Northeast
Washington D.C., District of Columbia 20011

Talkin' Transit, The Daily Feed

Metro Board authorizes new Station Names for map

Photo courtesy of
‘DC Metro Spiral (Names)’
courtesy of ‘thisisbossi’

The Metro board today met to consider some station names and changes to be made ahead of the next redesign of the map and authorized a number of changes to stations you may know and love. Here’s the skinny, straight from Metro:

  • Navy Yard becomes Navy Yard-Ballpark.
  • King Street becomes King St-Old Town.
  • Waterfront-SEU will drop SEU, because the university no longer exists.
  • Forest Glen will be shown on the map with the universal “H” symbol to indicate the location of Holy Cross Hospital.
  • Foggy Bottom and Medical Center will also be shown with “H” symbols reflecting proximity of hospitals.
  • New York Ave-Florida Ave-Gallaudet U will be renamed “NoMa-Gallaudet U.” “New York Ave” will be shown as a secondary name for one-year to assist customers during the transition.

Four stations were unaltered, due to public familiarity with their names, despite their length:

  • Grosvenor-Strathmore
  • Georgia Ave-Petworth
  • Franconia-Springfield
  • Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport

The new names will take effect next year when the June 2012 Metro Map hits the streets.  The cost to rename the stations is estimated to be approximately $400,000, though no formal figure is available.

The Daily Feed

DC tops for working women

CC Womens Index

Chart borrowed from The Atlantic Cities

DC is a great place to live and work, we’ve said as much for years, but now The Atlantic Cities’ Richard Florida has some news for working women and creative class women in specific: DC is the Tops. Those women working in the creative field are experiencing wage growth in the District, and District women get approximately a $20,000 premium for their location here in the District.

The new isn’t all good, though, on average, men still out-earn women in the workforce by over $10,000, and that margin doubles when you move into the creative class.

Still, it is good to see that the District has a strong creative class showing here.

Alexandria, Dupont Circle, Food and Drink, The Daily Feed, We Love Food

Pizzeria Paradiso Celebrates 20 Years

Photo courtesy of
‘Pizzeria Paradiso’
courtesy of ‘afagen’

There’s an old friend in town who’s turning 20 next week: Pizzeria Paradiso.

Back in November 1991, the pizzeria opened its first location in Dupont Circle and over its history has not only revamped the original spot, but expanded to Georgetown and Old Town Alexandria. Not too shabby of an accomplishment for a local small business, right?

“When Pizzeria Paradiso was created, the things motivating it were community, laughter and tasty food,” said chef and owner Ruth Gresser in a news release. “We were all so excited when our first customers entered the restaurant a few minutes after we unlocked the front door. And now, we’re so happy to reach our ’20 Something’ anniversary so we can celebrate by eating and laughing with our family of customers and staff.”

In honor of its 20th birthday, the restaurant is hosting a week of events as part of their “20 Something” Celebration:

  • Monday, November 7th – Get one large and one small pizza for $20 on take-out orders only.
  • Tuesday, November 8th – Receive a 20th anniversary beer glass when you purchase a beer with your meal. The 8th is the restaurant’s official birthday.
  • Wednesday, November 9th – Pay $20 for all you can eat pizza and beer (note: you can eat all the pizza you want, but there’s 2 beer maximum).
  • Thursday, November 10th – Pay $20 for a small special pizza and an anniversary beer.
  • Friday, November 11th – Your first beer is just 20 cents.
  • Saturday, November 12th – Dine in at a location and pay just 20 cents for toppings (note: 3 toppings maximum)
  • Sunday, November 13th – Round out the week with “20 Free Pizzas” Family/Kids Day from 1-4 PM. Kids can be part of a make your own pizza demonstration with owner/chef Ruth Gresser and the first 20 kid’s pizzas are free (note: Old Town location only).

Plus, Pizzeria Paradiso will be hosting a trivia contest on their Facebook pages (GeorgetownOld TownDupont) with $20 gift certificate prizes twice per day. And their lucky 2,000th Twitter follower will receive three $20 gift certificates, one for each location.

Congratulations and happy birthday to Pizzeria Paradiso for serving up tasty slices to DC for 20 years!

All Politics is Local, The Daily Feed

Feds to update snow closure policy

Photo courtesy of
‘The Long Commute’
courtesy of ‘starbuck77’

Remember that horrible, awful, snow-addled commute we had back in late January when the feds closed at 3, just in time to send people off into the beginning of an ice storm? Yeah. The feds remember it too, and they’re updating their inclement weather procedures to prevent it from happening again.

The updated procedures basically involve two main categories:

1. Stop dithering and make a decision about whether to close/have unscheduled telework/whatever a lot faster. I think anyone who has ever sat up at night, refreshing the OPM status page can get behind this one.

2. Encourage employees to shelter in place if they can’t get home before it gets bad outside. This one seems… less enforceable, since you can’t exactly require people to stay at the office, but if offices can be prepared to accommodate employees for a little while longer at the office, and encourage them to wait out the worst of it, this could potentially make a difference.

The policy is expected to be approved on November 9th. If you work for the government, you might check to see what “shelter in place” would look like at your office. If, like me, you work for a company that follows the feds’ lead with office closures, you might check with your HR department to see if this will change anything for you.

And maybe it wouldn’t hurt to keep a bag with some spare hygiene supplies and some energy bars locked up in your cubicle, hm?