Alexandria, Fun & Games, Special Events, We Love Arts

We Love Arts: The Art of Autumn

Photo courtesy of smleon
32_309 Fish.jpg, courtesy of smleon

Fall is right around the corner…and so is the sixth annual Alexandria Festival of the Arts.

The festival runs this year on Saturday, September 13 and Sunday, September 14. As usual, the festival will occupy the section of King Street between the Potomac and Washington Street, so casual drivers of the area should consider alternate routes through downtown. Continue reading

Entertainment, Special Events

Flame on!

Photo courtesy of Me

DSC_0693, courtesy of Me

Our scheduled comedy post for today fell through so I am going to attempt to distract you with the highly advanced technique that cognitive scientists call “Look! Shiny!”

Or in this case, “oooh, fire!” I took the above picture – along with a whole lot more – at the Palace of Wonders on August 15th. That’s Reggie Bugmuncher from Philly’s Olde Town Sideshow. I’ll tell you more about the show and show more of my pictures later, but that’s one of my faves.

Featured Photo, Special Events

Nerd Prom East is bigger than ever

Photo courtesy of megadem

DSCF2744, courtesy of megadem

I figure if Warren Ellis can call Comicon “Nerd Prom” then it’s only fair to call the annual Otakon in Baltimore Nerd Prom East. It’s not 125,000+ in attendance but the announced 26,000+ for this year is nothing to sneeze at either.

As I wrote last year, no matter how little interest you might have in animation or sf/fantasy, the pictures from Otakon and the costumes people put together are simply amazing. If you search for everything on Flickr with the word otakon with a date after Aug 1, 2008 (so you get this year’s shots) you end up with just shy of 6,000 shots. Fire up PicLens – thanks for turning me onto this program, Max! – and rather than spending that hour working like you should have, you can think “wow!” and “I bet that’s heavy,” “why is Jesus there?” and “are you old enough to be walking around in public in your underwear?”

Some of my favorite pics from this year after the jump. Continue reading

Business and Money, Special Events

My Fringe boycott

Calling it a boycott is giving myself more credit for organization and indignation than I actually felt – not to mention the fact that you hope someone cares about a boycott, and I’m not sure anyone minded that I skipped everything this year. But I feel like it’s worth mentioning, if for no other reason than to explain why my darling fiancée (then-girlfriend) and I spent over $300 to see so many shows last year and ended up not going to a single “proper” Fringe show this year.

It was because of a button.

The picture above is from the lobby of Woolly Mammoth Theater, and I think there’s a pretty clear message there indicating just how people felt about the button. When Fringe director Julianne Brienza spoke to City Paper’s Trey Graham about the button, he gave her a pretty strong reaction to the fact that – on top of your $15 ticket – you’d have to shell out $5 to make sure you have one and buy another if you lose it or just leave it at home. She didn’t divert from the party line, however: We’re a business, you get discounts in shops with it, you show support for Fringe by wearing it, and it’s your responsibility to keep track of your button.

Well, more accurately, it’s my responsibility to have and hold my button if I want to get into Fringe venues. So in the end, every time I though about going out to catch a Fringe show, I made the decision that I wasn’t willing to support that button policy. My one exception of sorts was Mike Daisey’s “If you see something, say something,” an excellent show that was at Woolly rather than a proper Fringe venue, and therefor immune to the button nonsense.

Before Julianne or some other Fringe apologist shows up and makes the stock excuses, let me save you some time:

  • It’s supporting the artists! I do when I buy a ticket and go to the show.
  • You get discounts! You could have arranged that deal without making button-wearing mandatory.
  • It increases the quantity of money to the artists! If you want and/or need to do that, be honest and increase the ticket price. This is in the vein of $5-to-check-your-bag airline sleaze.
  • Other cities do it!

I’ll quote Fringe and Purge commenter Devil’s Advocate here for this last one: “most of the Festivals mentioned charge a lot less per ticket – even WITH the button, many are under $15. (Minnesota: $3 button/$12 ticket; Orlando: $6 button/tickets set by artist at $5-$10).” It’s not an apples-to-apples comparison, and DA goes on to point out that other cities use the button to defray administrative costs so they can apportion 100% of ticket revenue to the artists.

The end financial result may or may not be the same doing it this way, but this system almost insures hard feelings. People buying a 10-pack to split among several people had to worry about getting the right number of buttons, eating into the savings, making going to shows more difficult, and giving the feeling – on purpose or not – that this is designed to impede savings through group purchasing. I didn’t put myself in the position where I’d have to spend $5 again because I’d forgotten my button at home but I can guarantee you how I’d have felt: pissed and ill-used.

So in the end, I voted with my dollars by keeping them to myself. I wonder how many other people did the same? Fringe and Purge’s wrapup quotes Julianne as saying attendance was up 10% from last  year but it’s impossible to know if that number was impacted notably by the button. The only two facts about the button we can state are that each artist got $249 as their share of the 10,000 sold buttons and that I spent $300 less than I did in 2007.

Life in the Capital, Special Events, The Mall

Yes, I love the Mall too.

All over the mall
Less than two weeks after we launched We Love DC, I got an email message from a friend. Here is is in its entirety: – is it the dead ducks in the reflecting pool that makes you love DC so much? :)

I ground my teeth and opened the link, knowing pretty well what was going to be there – more kicking the Mall around and use of over-blown words like “disgrace.” I was not – well, yes, I was disapointed, but I wasn’t all surprised by what I found inside, though my friend got her geography a little wrong – the ducks in question were in what is a reflecting pool in front of Congress, but not what most of us would think of as the reflecting pool between Lincoln and the Washington Monument.

Be that as it may, I took it as a challenge and took an extended stroll around the Mall two weeks ago. It was sweaty work, but well worth it. Newsweek, WaPo, everyone else: you are correct, the Mall has problems and needs attention and it a bit threadbare in places. But you’re completely wrong.

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Crime & Punishment, Fun & Games, Special Events

Well, of course sex worker advocacy is fun.

I’d actually put tonight’s Grind the Vote event at BeBar into my calendar several weeks ago because it sounds like a good time for what I consider a good cause. For a suggested at-the-door donation of around $10 – you can use your own discretion based on how well heeled you are – you get to watch striptease, drag, and burlesque acts while enjoying music and drink specials.

Unfortunately, in the time since I first took note of this event, the world has provided a textbook perfect case of why this kind of event is necessary. On July 23, ending almost a year-long spree, suspected serial rapist Mark Humphries shot himself rather than be arrested. By that time nine different women had been raped and threatened with death if they told.

As it turns out, that was almost superfluous. The WaPo story spends its early paragraphs covering the more True-Crime-Drama of Humprhries’ interactions with the police as he attempted to do counter-intelligence on his pursuers, so it’s not till you’re fifteen paragraphs in before the story shows why organizations like HIPS and Different Avenues are so necessary: Continue reading

Featured Photo, Life in the Capital, Special Events, Sports Fix, The District

Washington Kastles Stop ‘Big Mac’

Mashona Washington

Mashona Washington by Max Cook

In a dramatic come-from-behind victory, the Washington Kastles showed John McEnroe and the New York Sportimes that they are not to be messed with on their home court. What started out looking like an easy New York win, the match became a slug fest that came down to a women’s doubles “Supertiebreaker”. Mashona Washington and Sacha Jones out dueled Milagros Sequera and Hana Sromova, beating them 7 to 5 and giving the Kastles an 18-17 win.

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All Politics is Local, Comedy in DC, Entertainment, Special Events, The Daily Feed

Ron Paul DC March

Ron Paul, the anarcho-capitalist cryptolibertarian neoconfederate survivalist Texas congressman and sometime presidential candidate who published a racist newsletter and opposed a medal for Rosa Parks, civil rights, MLK Day, Tibetan freedom, DC voting rights, and the 14th and 16th Amendments, and enjoyed endorsements from such greats as the John Birch Society, Stormfront White Nationalists, and the Ku Klux Klan, is having a march and rally today! Continue reading

Special Events, The Daily Feed, The Mall, We Love Arts

Opening Tomorrow: Jim Henson’s Fantastic World

Metro Ad for Jim Henson exhibit

Organized by SITES and The Jim Henson Legacy, the traveling exhibit Jim Henson’s Fantastic World opens tomorrow (Saturday July 12th) at the S. Dillon Ripley Center International Gallery, featuring artifacts of the much-missed imagination and visual thinking that brought us the muppets, Yoda, and The Dark Crystal. The Ripley Center can be a bit hard to find if you’ve never been there before, as it’s mostly underground; just look for the copper-domed kiosk sitting between the Castle and the Freer Gallery (map). I’m hoping to see one of my boyhood crushes there, Kira the Gelfling. Rawr.

Arlington, Special Events, The Daily Feed

Give Blood and Save a Life

Giving Blood

Come down to the blood drive on Saturday the 12th at Arlington Centennial Glebe Masonic Lodge at 1 S. George Mason Drive in Arlington. You don’t have to be a Mason to donate, just be 110 pounds or more, over 17 and satisfy a few other simple requirements. Can’t make it to this blood drive? Check out the Arlington Red Cross’s site to find one near you.

There is no substitute for red blood cells. Your time – five to ten minutes in the chair – can be the difference in someone’s life.

Entertainment, Special Events

The Fringe Festival 2008

Another year, another Fringe. I’m looking forward to this one, but before I talk about it I need to take a moment to say: What the HELL is up with this button nonsense?

“$5: A Fringe button is required for entry to all Fringe Festival shows.”

The only reasoning I can come up with for this is (1) we sell quantity bundles and want to make it marginally harder for you to share them amongst yourselves and (2) we’re willing to anger and alienate you – when you forget your button at home and have to spend $5 for a new one – in order to make you do free promotion for us.

Well, free for the Fringe folks anyway – the rest of us pay $5.

That bit of new idiocy aside, there’s a bunch of fun-looking things kicking off tonight. My preliminary list is after the jump, based on a quick scan of the offerings. There’s three specifically I’ll call out though:

The Gilbert & Sullivan Youth Players present The Mikado

We saw them last year and they were superb. These kids are talented and they’ve been well guided.

If you see something, say something

Mike Daisey, possibly best known to the internet-world for an odd incident that was highlighted on BoingBoing, Daisey is an amusing fellow who does a Spalding Gray-like monologue performance. Now he’s taking on the Department of Homeland Security.

Jerry Springer: The Opera

Even if this didn’t sound like fun, this is a show at Studio Theater that would normally cost you almost twice as much. However during the Fringe they’ll accept the $20 per Fringe tickets for admission as well. It’s one more step – you need to get your tickets through the Fringe office or online – but I’ll do a little more to save $50%.

the rest of my initial eye-catchers after the jump… Continue reading

Adventures, Business and Money, Downtown, Entertainment, Essential DC, Food and Drink, Fun & Games, Life in the Capital, Music, Night Life, Special Events, We Love Arts, WMATA

Why I Love DC: David

Capitol Columns #5
Originally uploaded by andertho

My first exposure to Washington D.C. was in 1982 as a side stop on our family’s trip down to see the World’s Fair in Knoxville, TN. On that trip we did the National Aquarium in Baltimore and the National Zoo in D.C.. I remember vaguely, the trees being more plentiful and taller, however I’m also a yard taller now, and they seem now, just a bit shorter. I’m still surprised I remember something from over 26 years ago, but D.C. had that kind of effect.
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