courtesy of ‘erin m’
WaPo just alerted me that I can receive Inauguration survival alerts – to my inbox, my blackberry or by text. HELLOOOO INFORMATION AGE, nice to meet you, my name is Katie. I in fact, have an inbox, a blackberry, and a cell phone to receive text messages, so load me up! WaPo warns that we could “get up to 30 messages on inauguration day”. Which begs the question, how informed is TOO informed? Then again, come an emergency, I might desperatley want those 30 texts. Just as long as they’re nothing like Alert DC. In which case, I’ll stay in the dark ages, thankyouverymuch.
Though Alert DC is occasionally useful for 5% of the time(like when I hear sirens outside my window and want to know what’s going on or if there’s a massive fire downtown to avoid), you’re right – it usually is not. 95% of the time I get police alerts about a robbery (force and violence? toss a coin.) or auto theft.