Social Capital: “How to Piss Off a DC Resident”

Originally uploaded by maxedaperture

I would like to take this moment to give props to one Mr. Kevin Wadzuk (AU Class of 2006) of Campus Progress for his post on the Social Capital blog today, “How to Piss Off a DC Resident.”

The Social Capital blog is a project aimed at the droves of interns, students, and sundry kids who flood our streets and subway cars each summer. He has dispensed some obvious, but all-too-needed advice for the younguns: stand to the right; do not speak of what you do not know; respect your temporary (resume-boosting) home.

Shame the kids need to be told, but then many of them do come from places like New Jersey (gads!).

Brittany has tried to leave DC, it just never lasts. She has lived in Chicago, California, and China – but she always comes back home. Brittany is a drinks, nightlife, and style correspondent for We Love DC. Between columns, you can find her on Twitter, Tumblr, or standing by the bar. Email her at brittany(at)

2 thoughts on “Social Capital: “How to Piss Off a DC Resident”

  1. Thanks for the props!

    Love you guys (and DC, naturally). Best of luck to y’all.

    And, seriously, when will people from Jersey learn?

  2. Hey, don’t start pissing off people from New Jersey. We know where you live…