Ice Cream Weather

I know – it would have been even better had Cold Stone been outside, rather than in the Ballston Mall. However, you can’t deny that even the Weather Channel is predicting ongoing ice cream weather until about late September.

My choice this evening was a malted shake with French vanilla ice cream. For those of you who are uninitiated, French vanilla is the king of the ice cream jungle. It can kick ass all over chocolate any day. Plus, it tasted rich enough that it was like sweet butter and vanilla flavoring.

What’s your favorite ice cream place? What do you get when you go there?

Photo: Ice Cream! Originally uploaded by carlweaver

This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs

Carl Weaver is a writer and brewer for and has been making beer and wine for more than 20 years. He is also an avid photographer and writer and just finished his first book, about a trip he took to Thailand to live in Buddhist monasteries. He considers himself the last of the Renaissance men and the luckiest darned guy in the world. Follow him on Twitter.

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