Arlington Residents – Renew Your Parking Permits Now

From Arlington
County Web site

Residential parking permits in Arlington for 2006-2007 will expire at the end of the month, according to the Arlington County Web site. Beginning August 1, that old permit won’t be good for much more than getting you a parking ticket.

If you qualify for a residential parking permit, you can apply for a new one online here or else request a paper application by emailing or calling (703) 228-3344. Not sure if you qualify for a residential permit? Look out at the street and see if there are signs like the one above.

Do you think your street should have permit-based parking restrictions? The County has an ordinance that outlines requirements for designating a block for permit parking only. These include:

  • 60% of the households on a block must sign a petition requesting zoned parking.
  • at least 75% of the available parking on the block should be occupied
  • at least 25% of the available parking on the block should be occupied by out-of-area vehicles such as commuters, shoppers, students, etc.

If you are interested in turning your street or block into such an area, you can download the brochure here.

This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs

Carl Weaver is a writer and brewer for and has been making beer and wine for more than 20 years. He is also an avid photographer and writer and just finished his first book, about a trip he took to Thailand to live in Buddhist monasteries. He considers himself the last of the Renaissance men and the luckiest darned guy in the world. Follow him on Twitter.

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