‘Teddy comes on’
courtesy of ‘afagen’
Who is the enigmatic founder of LetTeddyWin.com that we are trying to entice you to come spend your evening with? Well, he’s a Washington-area local who happens to be a huge Nationals fan. (That alone could be reason enough to come quiz him about his “real” background story, right?)
But, truly, he’s a family man whose son fell in love with the presidents race back in 2006 when Teddy Roosevelt first lost. His interest in the presidents race and Teddy’s shortcomings led him to start the LetTeddyWin blog with hopes of creating fan-converting unity for the Nats community.
Having studied the presidents race for years, LetTeddyWin.com’s founder has an unmatched knowledge of the history of the presidents races, as well as an insiders view of the other unofficial “characters” of the Nationals Park – like him. For our upcoming LetTeddyWin event at Nationals Park, he will be quizzing us on these very topics for a chance to win a number of prizes.
If you want to support LetTeddyWin and his blog, check out some of the great designs he has copyrighted that are available for purchase at letteddywin.com. (I, personally, would like a pairs of these.)
Get your t-shirt (or undies!) and come out and join us on Wednesday, April 21 for some of that fan-binding unity brought to us exclusively by LetTeddyWin.com. More details here. Purchase tickets here.
THought this was interesting… look at picture #13! Teddy is winning :) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/gallery/2010/03/29/GA2010032903934.html?hpid=artslot