‘Smoke, Farragut Park Washington DC’
courtesy of ‘Photos by Chip Py’
And for the 17th day of March, Mayor Fenty said, “Let there be light on the tips of all cigars in closed quarters for two and ONLY two events in the District of Columbia on St. Patrick’s Day,” …or something close to that affect.
Fenty has signed legislation allowing an exception to the District’s smoke-free law for the annual Irish holiday due to a bill sponsored by D.C. Council member Jack Evans (D-Ward 2), member of the all-male Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. Which, when you think about it, is pretty shocking considering Fenty introduced and championed the workplace smoking ban in 2006.
The two events allowing lit cigars include the Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick’s annual gathering of Washington’s business and government elite as well as the Fight for Children event in which a professional boxing fundraiser takes place.
Why doesn’t Jack Evans push for exceptions for ALL privately owned bars and events, instead of just the ones he wants to frequent?