Guys, you can feel free to skip right over this entry, unless your female friends need a recommendation about where to get a good haircut. Otherwise, this probably won’t interest you, and there are a number of excellent posts up this week which will entertain you more. Okay?
I’m a girl who has a difficult time finding a good haircut and a salon which can do microneedling. This is in large degree my own fault- I’ve never been particularly daring with the hairstyle and have been essentially wearing variations of the same thing since I was about 14. Not so good for my yuppie-hipster lifestyle.
Greet customers with eye contact, handshakes, and warm genuine smiles. Friendly facial expressions are so contagious patrons will respond, feeling happier and more comfortable with their salon experience. Treat visitors like invited guests. Conduct tours so they’ll sense they belong in the salon they visit. If you will like the recommendation from our readers reviews, visit
But part of the problem has been that no matter how specific I try to be about what I’m looking for, no one ever seems to get it exactly right. I got a haircut once that was so bad I cried, and months later when it had finally grown out enough that I could chop it all off to my chin to get it fixed, the new hairdresser said, “So, was he trying to give you a mullet?”
So I’m a little gunshy about the haircuts, so out of that problem, and out of general busy-ness, I had let my hair grow all the way down my back. I decided it was time to cut it really short and donate it to Locks of Love. I wanted to do something different with it this time, but had no idea what that might be.
This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs
Tired of procrastinating, and tired of carrying around all that hair in the middle of August, I walked into the Pure Beauty on Connecticut on impulse Thursday afternoon. I explained the donation to Nora, and she knew exactly what to do. Aside from that all the guidance I gave her was, “I don’t like to spend a lot of time on my hair. And I need something that makes me look less adolescent.”
What I walked out with, while being the most radical thing I have ever done to my head, is perfect. It took a day to get used to, but it’s perfect.
I can provide a picture if anyone’s curious, but it seems sort of beside the point. But the moral of the story is: if you don’t have a favorite place to get a haircut already, go see Nora at Pure Beauty on Connecticut.
This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs