Hated by Tourists, Loved Only by My Mother

Originally uploaded by carlweaver

As promised, I took my mother around to show her some sights during her stay in this lovely city and even took her to the aquarium under the Commerce Department building. Max didn’t care for the aquarium, as I recall, but we had a great time. The admission is now up to $7, for those keeping score.

The best part was when we were looking in the gator tank, in which some fish were swimming. “Hey Ma,” I said, “Know what kind of fish those are?” She didn’t. “They’re food fish for the gators!”

Mother Weaver laughed, Lovely Wife looked horrified and the family with their two young kids who happened to be right next to us scowled at me like I ruined their visit. Sorry, folks. Just speaking the truth here. Even Nemo gets eaten sometime, kid.

Carl Weaver is a writer and brewer for RealHomebrew.com and has been making beer and wine for more than 20 years. He is also an avid photographer and writer and just finished his first book, about a trip he took to Thailand to live in Buddhist monasteries. He considers himself the last of the Renaissance men and the luckiest darned guy in the world. Follow him on Twitter.

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