Cocaine Found on 95% of DC Money

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courtesy of ‘philliefan99’

It’s always nice to be number one, isn’t it? The American Chemical Society reported a study that found that 95% of bills circulating in DC are tainted with cocaine. That’s only up 5% from the national average, but, hey, it does put us in the lead.

This study jumps 20% ahead of a 2007 study which found that 67% of U.S. bills were tainted with cocaine. The major percentage jump surprises some researchers (and um, anyone with a wallet?) and brings into question whether the driving factor behind the recent results was the new testing equipment or increased cocaine usage caused by the recession.

The study claims that the drugs get on paper money in three ways. The obvious one: snorting cocaine powder. The dubious one: during drug transactions. And the dirty one: by touching other bills. This means that cocaine powder has infiltrated all of your bills, not just your Benjamins.

While you have a 95% chance of finding cocaine in your wallet at this very moment, the concentatrations are too small for anything very exciting.  There should be just enough in there for bragging rights that DC is number one.

Cathy was fortunate to spend a year in Paris – traveling to all surrounding countries and touring all that is worthy. Upon realizing that there is no place like home (she does hail from Kansas City – but did not click her heels to get back – thank you, Air France), she returned to America where she set out to explore every last inch of our massive country. From her base in the nation’s capital, she has worked in marketing and event planning for the past 4 years. Mail any and all DC related tips to Cathy (at) WeLoveDC (dot) com.

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