courtesy of ‘oztenphoto’
But Jamba Juice doesn’t care. They’re now offering oatmeal as a new breakfast product. You can top yours with fruit or brown sugar, and if you use this coupon, you can snag it for only one dollar, all March long. A thrifty deal if I’ve ever heard one.
Katie moved to DC in 2007, and has since embarked upon a love affair with the city. She’s an education reform advocate and communications professional during the day; at night and on the weekends, she’s an owner here at We Love DC. Katie has high goals to eat herself through the entire city, with only her running shoes to save her from herself. For up-to-the-minute news and reviews (among other musings), follow her on Twitter!
First the matchbox deal , now an oatmeal deal. KT, you are a plethora of good ideas. Here is another one:
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Time: 11:00am – 11:00pm
Location: Z Burger (Tenleytown)
Street: 4321 Wisconsin Ave, Washington
Free burger
@Radman, I’m ALL ABOUT the free/cheap stuff, especially when it relates to food. Good tip on the Z burgers, author Rebecca wrote about that last time: http://www.welovedc.com/2009/02/16/free-z-burgers-today/
Am I missing something here? There’s no Jamba Juice in DC. I’d be thrilled about this if I lived in New York!
Taylor, I used to work next to one… 800 21st St, 20052, but upon further googling, it seems it is GASP no longer there…
Wait, there’s more… it seems like Jamba has vacated DC. http://www.yelp.com/topic/gaithersburg-jamba-juice-in-maryland-area-or-dc-area