There are so many monuments in DC it’s hard to keep track of them all. No, really, it’s kind of ridiculous how many statues there are in this city, not even including Statuary Hall at the Capitol or any of the interior objet d’art at various national organizations who make their home in the District. Fortunately, the Park Service and the National Capital Planning Commission have your back, and their latest effort was published today.
This google map is annotated with literally hundreds of the various statues and markers that dot our local landscape. Some of the more obscure include the Butt-Millet Memorial Fountain (on the Ellipse), Nuns of the Battlefield (at St. Matthew’s on M Street), and Jules Jusserand (Rock Creek Park). There are detailed entries on a number of the statues and markers, the result of the collaboration between the two entities. It’s worth a look if you’re going to be playing tour guide any time soon, and perhaps it’s a chance to create a cool scavenger hunt for yourself this weekend.