‘Lunch at the Majestic – the Aftermath’
courtesy of ‘Kevin H.’
We love DC here, did you know that? Well, we do. It’s true. And we always appreciate it when someone else has a crush on the place we hold dear, and so today’s DC-loving award goes to Tim Carman.
Carman, formerly of the City Paper’s Young & Hungry and now a food writer over at WaPo took down the New York Times in today’s column “Dear New York Times: We get it. Your restaurants are better than ours.” Carman’s snarky criticism of the brash junk-food berating the NYT gave our fine city last week is a must-read for any DC foodie.
My favorite line? “District denizens are just beginning to evolve beyond their lizard-brain lust for red meat.” I highly recommend you read it on your lunch break over a meal from one of our sub-par eateries.
Update: It just came to my attention that Maria over at Hill Is Home should get an award too. Read: New York Also Thinks DC Looks Fat In Those Pants.
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