So You’re Saying We’re Nerds?

Photo courtesy of
‘Geek/Nerd/Dork/Dweeb Venn Diagram’
courtesy of ‘yat86’

We already knew that we’re rich, smart vegetarians, but now we’re officially nerds, too.  The DC metropolitan area is the third brainiest city in America (after Denver and Durham), based on our numbers of computer science and math degree recipients, science degree recipients, and grad students.  And if you’re really into the numbers and statistics (which we’re guessing you are, since you’re most likely a nerd), you can check out all the data that matches up DC against other cities.

Shannon grew up in the greater DC area/Maryland suburbs, went to Virginia for college and grad school (go Hoos!), and settled in DC in 2006. She’s an urban planner who loves transit (why yes, that is her dressed as a Metro pylon for Halloween), cities, and all things DC. Email her at Shannon (at)!

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