‘wine and trash tv’
courtesy of ‘staceyviera’
While all of the Real Housewives of D.C. were celebrating their Bravo premiere last Thursday, Michaele Salahi once again found herself amongst scandal. According to the New York Post, “White House gatecrashers Michaele and Tareq Salahi were served with court papers for a $15,000 debt while they partied away at a nightclub last week”.
The PR firm, Brotman-Winter-Fried Communications, are asking the Salahis to appear in court over unpaid dues for promoting their America’s Polo Cup charity event in 2008.
I wonder if this is any sign for how the ratings are going to be for the rest of the Real Housewives of D.C. season – a hot mess.
these people are among the most worthless of all the reality stars, and that’s a mighty low bar. please, no more!
The Salahis are broke dead beats who have multiple unpaid judgments against them in multiple courts. It looks like their creditors are catching on that they are getting $50K per episode so the summons are gonna start flying.f They already got hit with one at their premier party. Michaele has been trying to be famous for years. She lies constantly about her background. She says she was a redskins cheerleader although the redskins deny any connection. She says she was a make-up artist…well if you count the makeup counter at Nordstrums. She says she is an international and “national” (yes her words) model. Her big international modeling gig was a Japanese Mattress ad.
She is lying about being invited to the White House. They were Begging Michelle Jones from the Pentagon starting 3 days before the event. The only reason she asked for their information to be vetted was in case she got them tickets which Ms. Jones has stated she never got.
Public emails show they went to the WH not knowing if they were invited. Michaele said recently she would not go to the White House chancing it but their emails totally contradict that. Compare her statements she is making now and read the emails and you will see she was not invited. You are only famous for crashing the WH party and nothing more. No one cares about your style or clothes you wear. Get over yourselves!
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Salahi releases WH Party Crasher Barbie http://yfrog.com/nc1euxj