Despite How it Feels, DC Not a Swamp

Photo courtesy of
‘little loudmouth’
courtesy of ‘philliefan99’

As we enter into a weekend that will be extremely hot and humid, I just figured I’d remind everyone that we busted the myth that DC is a swamp last year.  Yes, it’s really muggy and gross here this time of year, but we don’t have it that bad– we’re not even on the list of the 101 cities with the highest average humidity.  So when you hear the tourists complaining this weekend about our lovely city being built on a swamp, set them straight.  And tell them to schedule their next family vacation to the District in the spring or fall, when the weather in the city is absolutely perfect.

Shannon grew up in the greater DC area/Maryland suburbs, went to Virginia for college and grad school (go Hoos!), and settled in DC in 2006. She’s an urban planner who loves transit (why yes, that is her dressed as a Metro pylon for Halloween), cities, and all things DC. Email her at Shannon (at)!

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