‘foam finger fan’
courtesy of ‘philliefan99’
We love rankings that compare DC to other cities, rather than states (which can be very misleading). So we’re happy that our great city is at the top of three recent city rankings: Washington is America’s highest-earning city, its best-educated city, and its most vegetarian-friendly city. Here’s the thinking behind these superlatives: District residents earn lots of money because they’re lawyers and lobbyists and politicians, they’re well-educated because the region is home to those high-paying jobs that require advanced degrees, and it’s veg-friendly because vegetarians are supposedly richer and smarter. So congratulations to all you rich, smart vegetarians pushing us to the top of the pack!
This is not something to celebrate.
“Vegetarians, and their Hezbollah-like splinter faction, the vegans, are the enemy of everything good and decent in the human spirit.”
–Anthony Bourdain
Like MEATLOAF says: “Two out of 3 ain’t bad”
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