Hard to believe this was five months ago:

As of noon, DC has officially hit 100ºF, according to NBC4. The record to beat is 103ºF. We’re getting close!
To help you stay in a cool state of mind, here are more photos of the White House and Lafayette Park area from right after the February Snowpocalypse:

There. Feel better?
Roving Asian mendicant, can occasionally be seen wandering the streets of downtown Washington, muttering unintelligible gibberish to passers-by while pushing a “bag lady” shopping cart full of old blankets, American flags, soda cans, and healthy secondhand snacks from organic food shop dumpsters. Used to live in a cardboard box at 16th and K but the rent was too expensive.
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A weather station in Manassas reports 105 degrees, but if feels like 108.