courtesy of ‘::FiZ::’
Metro’s fare prices are movin’ on up yet again. The WMATA board of directors approved a package of fare increases Thursday as they aim to close the $189 million gap in its 2011 budget, according to this morning’s Express.
Fare increases begin Sunday on all rail and bus lines, including the MetroAccess service for disabled riders.
Sunday isn’t the only change looming for DMV residents who rely on Metro. The fare increase is scheduled to go into effect over the course of two phases – the first one Sunday and the second on August 1.
Among the annoyance of a continuing hike of daily ride fare prices, there is some shining bit of glory for some; the cost of SmarTrip cards dropped by 50 percent and are now available for the low-low price of $2.50. But for those of us who already have the cards who is that really helping?
At this point I’m ready to bang my head against the farecard kiosk. Who’s with me?
Last week it cost me $92 a month to use the metro. This week it now costs me $104 per month. My job will only cover $100 worth of travel fee’s. The garage at work is only $80 a month and the extra $20 can go to gas. Thanks for making my car a more effective means of travel Metro!