courtesy of ‘Chris Rief aka Spodie Odie’
The news from the Post’s Tim Craig are grim: United Medical Center in Southeast DC can’t pay their bills, owing over $1M to Pepco and close to $4M to the IRS, plus millions in payroll taxes to VA and MD. The worst of it is that there are several upper echelon people at UMC fiddling while Rome burns, and getting paid $1M each, according to Attorney General Peter Nickles.
Back in March, the Hospital needed an emergency grant of $120,000 for supplies, and later this Spring, they cancelled the no medical test life insurance policy for employees when they couldn’t make the premiums. The city took full control of the partnership in April, after it became clear that the folks at Specialty Hospital weren’t up to the task.
Look for the accusations and recriminations to fly back and forth over the next two months as the city foots the bill (well, more than the $100M renovation and debt payoff they’ve already done) as this one gets uglier.