If you work in Dupont Circle near 18th and Connecticut odds are you heard a loud thud not too long ago. My co-workers and I looked out our window to see that a giant duct fell off the side of a building on the corner of N St NW and Connecticut so yous truly went to investigate.
It appears a duct vent connected to the 1800 Cafe located on N St came crashing down this afternoon and totaled 1800 Cafe owner Mike Choi’s car. The duct also crushed the glass of his father’s windshield. Both cars were located in their usual parking spaces in the alley behind the cafe.
No one was hurt.
More photos after the page break.
DCist also got a few good shots from the scene right after it happened. Click here for those photos and some live video.
I work on Connecticut between K and L…and I didn’t hear anything! But I’m going to check it out in a few minutes…