Originally uploaded by philliefan99
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is visiting DC and is apparently kicking up his heels in the wake of Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhall. So Mubarak is staying at the Four Seasons, from what I understand, and people are super worried that he is in danger, on account he says he wants peace in the Middle East but is really unwilling to do much to facilitate that. Also, troubles at home make for uneasy traveling while abroad. On the other hand, I understand he likes his espresso without the ice, thus freeing the Secret Service from protecting him from a solid punch in his man junk.
In the meantime, if you need to traverse 29th Street NW between M Street and K Street, I recommend either rethinking those plans or else get in the long line of cars facing east on K Street, waiting to turn left onto 29th. Be prepared to pop your trunk and hood and have a German Shepherd sniff around your vehicle. He’s a cute dog but don’t pet him unless you want to be eaten by him.