‘drink and make up photo op’
courtesy of ‘hsingy’
Yeah, yeah, we know: Wear warm clothes if you’re going to the Inauguration! But you might get there and be turned away from the parade route! Virginia will be blockaded! Inaugural balls are overrated! And on and on and on. While we here at We Love DC are pretty tired of typing the word “Inauguration,” we can’t help but be curious about what alternate ways of getting our celebration on might be available to us, if we develop a little cabin fever while avoiding the crowds. Fortunately, the suggest-a-story form has been working overtime as people have been cluing us in to what’s going on.
Probably the most amusing suggestion I’ve heard thus far is the Biden Brunch at Nage on the 18th and 21st, featuring a Joe Biden impersonator. Please, someone go to this and put photos in our Flickr pool. This must be shared with the world.
But there are lots of other things going on as well: Manifest Hope, an art exhibition happening this weekend to commemorate the grass-roots movement that contributed to the outcome of the election. Art of Change, held at Warehouse. And, if you want to view the Inauguration but you want some shameless marketing to combat all the talk of “change” and “hope,” Best Buy is hosting an Inaugural viewing at Constitution Hall, where they will also have cell phone chargers and Best Buy employees available for assistance with your electronics. I swear I am not making this up.