My social Network on Flickr, Facebook, Twitter and MyblogLog
Originally uploaded by luc legay
It’s no secret that I love Twitter, and think it’s probably my favorite new communications medium, surpassing email, IM & scrawled notes on the wall. The casual confluence of people I know, stuff I like, and people that are interesting, in a format that requires both brevity and wit to keep my attention, it’s a boon. Lately, I’ve seen more DC-centric businesses like California Tortilla use Twitter to talk about the cool stuff they’re doing locally.
So, who’s not on Twitter that you think should be? I read this morning that maybe the 9:30 club should be on there, and should be announcing specials and concerts this way. I think that would be awesome, actually, if you could sign up for their feed and they could tell you who’s on sale starting today, or who’s at the club that night. How much would that rock?
Who else in DC belongs on Twitter? (No Slanket Fights, Please.)
Here are my suggestions:
1. Busboys and Poets
2. The Black Cat
3. E Street Cinema
4. Metro
5. The Studio Theater
6. The Diner
7. Tryst
@legalmaven: Metro is already Twittering at
Great! Just added them.
Thanks for the props from your pals at Caltort.
We are working to hone our twitter skills.
Add me to your twitter
just got on the twitter train