You never know where you might find little tidbits of information that will give you something to ponder and absorb. Just now I was catching up on news on the Arlington County web site when I noticed something about laws regarding keeping animals. A link directed me to the zoning laws on the subject, where I read:
It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to display, exhibit, handle, or use any poisonous or dangerous reptile in such a manner as to endanger the life or health of any person.
My question: Why keep them at all if not to endanger someone’s life or health? Let’s face it – my Komodo dragon is going to scare off more people than an angry barking dog will. A fast, if lumbering, land speed, more drooling and a blank stare would certainly keep me away from someone’s yard.
The real question is just what happened to necessitate a law like this? Did someone have a team of attack snakes? I just can’t imagine. What’s your theory?
This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs