He’s Tall, Dark and Judgmental, according to the Fox-produced Judge Alex TV show. Today, he’s Tall, Dark and arguing before the Supreme Court as part of Preston v. Ferrer which is being heard by the high court today. The facts of the case involve an agency dispute between Ferrer and Preston, the latter sued the former for proceeds as his agent during the creation of the Judge Alex television show. It’s kinda fascinating, oddly.
But, what I have to wonder, how do the Supremes take to Judge Alex’s position doling out over-simplified minor “justice” for entertainment value? Do you suppose that any case they bring forward is automatically prejudiced by their avocation? I know that if some IT consultant took a job fixing computers and networks or doing planning for enterprise deployment, for TV (no matter how unlikely such a scenario is, despite the WGA strike…), and did it in a way that portrayed my profession in a simplistic manner, I would be pretty darned ticked with them.
What do you think, is Judge Alex going to get a fair hearing out of this?
This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs