My darling girlfriend called it depressing but in the face of this heat I find it a little reassuring. Around this time of year we start to see the signs that summer’s close is around the corner: the early-changing trees’ leaves start to change and the various summer freebie events start to dry up. Just as I managed to go all winter without any ice skating there, I so far have completely failed to go to any of the Pentagon Row concert events this summer. Somewhat shocking, as my darling girlfriend would probably drag us off to North Hades if Gonzo’s Nose was playing there.
The last two of the season are this Thursday, the 9th with The Reflex, another 80s cover band and the 16th with Taylor Carson, who I have never heard of. If you’re going, hope the heat will have broken a bit before Thursday at 7p when the set starts – there’s not much in the way of shade in that plaza.
This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs