The Post has finally picked up on the homeless protesters racket, focusing on the Mid-Atlantic Regional Council of Carpenters and Joiners, who pay a group of homeless folks $8/hr to make a racket outside of various buildings with suites under construction by non-union shops. They show up, bang on buckets, shout about fair wages, and then pack up and leave for another site.
I applaud the council for supporting local homeless shelters, and there’s even a great success story in the Post article about a guy who now has a job driving a truck for National Geographic, but guys, if you’re going to pay people to shout about fair wages, at least pay them more than the average Wal-mart employee. Seriously.
The whole thing just reeks stupidity, corruption, and well, pretty much everything else labor unions stand for, so I shouldn’t be surprised, but seriously, pay your temps better than Wal-mart. It’s the least you can do.
This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs