Nude Zines

I was driving to an appointment on Sunday when I noticed a placard attached to a phone pole advertising the web site No wonder, I thought, since I was right by Falls Church’s premiere porn palace. Then I noticed the rest of the ad – business cards, custom printing, brochures. Talk about cognitive dissonance – here I was imagining all sorts of interesting naughty, tingly human bits and the ad was for printing.

I couldn’t quite figure out the connection so I looked it up online. Turns out the business is Nu Dezines, not Nude Zines. A tip to our fine printing friends – a simple spelling tutor or copy editor could have helped you out on this one so you could more easily reach your target market.

This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs

Carl Weaver is a writer and brewer for and has been making beer and wine for more than 20 years. He is also an avid photographer and writer and just finished his first book, about a trip he took to Thailand to live in Buddhist monasteries. He considers himself the last of the Renaissance men and the luckiest darned guy in the world. Follow him on Twitter.

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