How about in the middle of the Cheaspeake?
The GSA is auctioning off the Baltimore Harbor Lighthouse and the Sandy Point Shoal Lighthouse at the end of the month. Me, I’ve been looking for a new headquarters from whence to plan my world dominance and this sea lair might be just what I am looking for. The lighthouse is just a half mile off Gibson Island in Ann Arundel County, and once upon a time it was the lighthouse keepers’ quarters, so I’m betting that there’s a decent amount of living space.
If you want to bid, you need at least $15,000 in certified funds, and the increments are $5,000 for the lighthouse itself. Minimum bid is a cool thirty grand. If you’re serious, the government has some forms for you to fill out and there’s a bunch of regulatory stuff to handle since the lighthouses are navigation aids and on the National Historic Places Register, so be aware, if you want to make it into your lair, you’re going to have to do it within the rules. Please also be aware, there are no public utilities at the lighthouses, so you’re going to have to handle your own supply.
Hat tip to Doc Searls for this one.
This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs