While reading about Jenn L’s adventures in finding the perfect pair of jeans, I decided that a nice pair of high-end jeans would be just the thing to treat myself to after a few months of workin’ it at the gym. After all, what better way is there to celebrate your new, cuter ass than with a nice pair of jeans to complement it?
But, I said to myself, what will I do if I go spend a bunch of money on The Perfect Pair and then I tear them? Or wear a hole in them? Or destroy the backs of the cuffs? Being short, most jeans are too long on me and I do this a lot…
DailyCandy DC has provided me with the answer, and although the answer isn’t located in DC itself, I thought I’d share it with you all in case you were as inspired as I was by Jenn’s tale of against-the-odds denim questing. Denim Therapy will re-weave your torn, worn, damaged denim to make the repaired area look just like the rest of the fabric. Prices are about $7/inch for repair work and takes about two weeks. A small price to pay to keep your $125 Luckys looking good…
This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs