The saga of the new stadium seems to be absolutely never-ending. It’s on. It’s off. It’s on, kinda. It may be on. It may be off. It is on, but only on alternating Wednesdays in months with six or fewer letters.
But for now, it’s back on again after a deal between the Council, the Mayor, and Major League Baseball. Council Chair Cropp sent a letter to the Mayor yesterday detailing 10 criteria that, if met, would lead to a council approval of the deal. Included in that deal are a cap on stadium costs at $535 million, free tickets for disadvantaged youth, and a promise for a local ownership group.
Mayor Williams also asked MLB and private developer groups to purchase a $500,000 ad buy in local radio and newspaper ads to try to convince the populace of the merits of a new stadium built with public money in Southeast.
These new developments look good for the area: the City gets a cap on stadium expenses, and still gets much of the stadium revenue, and MLB has to deal with the fact that the new owner will have to foot overruns. Not shabby.
Technorati Tags: baseball, DC, Nationals
This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs