Two little bits of DC humor have wended their way to my inbox today, and both are worth a serious chuckle. The first has to do with our seriously bizarre street layout:
The DC road grid was laid out by a Frenchman, which explains why locals hate the French, and also explains much about US Foriegn Policy. Within DC proper, the roads are laid out in a grid, with other streets crossing the grid at weird angles, usually through a traffic circle. No one in DC knows how to drive in a traffic circle, and people from the surburbs are worse. Many streets are one way, and making a left turn can require travelling three or four blocks out of your way. Right turns are worse. Right turn on red is allowed, except at intersections that are posted otherwise.
Most intersections are posted otherwise.
And the second, well, it speaks for itself (kinda sorta definitely NSFW. Text only.)
Whoda thunk we had such great orgies down in Virginia?
This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs