Proving that DC’s City Council can be as infantile as any high school student government, Carol Schwartz introduced an alcohol ban at last night’s City Council, extending the smoking ban to it’s least likely next step.
The problem here is thus: alcohol, when administered properly and responsibly, affects only the person it’s served to. Smoking, when administered properly and responsibly, affects everyone within a 10 foot radius of the smoker. Honestly, it’s the only tobacco product that I have a problem with in a social setting. Dip, packets, snuff, that’s all fine by me, because it affects only the person partaking. You don’t leave a room filled with dippers smelling like smoke, or with lungs full of carcinogens.
Just because I want to go have a beer, it doesn’t mean I want to smell like your fucking ashtray, mmmkay? Carol, lighten up, maybe even quit smoking (or drinking, or driving, or sex, per your bill) and you can understand all that.
This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs