This morning, while riding to work, an odd question came to my mind. We drove up 395 through mostly sparse traffic (hooray for Friday!) and over the 14th St. Bridge, past the Tidal Basin all pink with cherries and took the 12th St. Exit.
Passing under the streets of DC, I noticed something odd about the lights of the tunnel. At the southern end of the tunnel, the lights are constant, one after another, for about a third of the length of the tunnel. Then, it goes down to groups of three. Then two. Then one.
lightlightlight lightlightlight lightlightlight
lightlight lightlight lightlight
light light light.
Why is that? Did they run out of lamp fixtures? Decide it was too bright at the North end of the tunnel? Not have enough amperage to run the whole string?
Odd. What are your commuting oddities, dear readers?
This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs