The DC Examiner is out on newsstands for the very first time today. Formerly the Journal newspapers, there’s a new daily on the streets as of this morning. I have yet to see a dispenser by my downtown office, but, for the PDF-inclined, they do offer downloads of their daily paper to view on your local computer. I definitely welcome competition in the news marketplace, which is something we certainly don’t have now (sorry Washington Times, you just don’t count.) but may have in the coming months. Will the Examiner catch on? Perhaps it will, perhaps it won’t, we shall see.
A word on the Examiner name, an aside from a previous life. The summer I worked in San Francisco, I would commute in by car to the Richmond BART station (think Glenmont or Franconia-Springfield) and pick up a Chronicle at the station and read it on the way in. On the train home, however, I got to delight in the ever-so snarky and yet, still quite excellent, San Francisco Examiner. Sadly, the paper I once knew as an afternoon daily seems to have morphed into something a bit different. The pair were an excellent way to bookend the day on the commute. Perhaps this may yet be true for Washington.
This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs