‘More Fun Than a Barrel of Monkeys’
courtesy of ‘marciadc’
One of the reasons I love this time of year is the opportunities that abound to give. Since my family and I practice the “Season of Giving” in every literal sense, I want to make our readers aware of an opportunity that exists to give at least one child a smile this Christmas season.
The Georgetown Child Life Unit is running a toy drive this year for kids who will be forced to stay at the hospital for Christmas. Operation Snowpile collects toys and then runs a free “store” so parents can select and provide gifts for their kids. It’s a small way to help reduce the emotional, financial and physical stresses these families face during the holidays with a loved child having to stay at the Georgetown Child Life Unit.
There are a few ways you can help. The easiest option is to make an online donation by Dec 12, so the organizers can purchase toys for the store. You can also donate toys yourself, by either dropping off a new and in-the-package toy at Greater Goods (1626 U St. NW) or buying one online through one of Snowpile’s cooperating sponsors, who’ll then donate part of the sale to the cause. (Snowpile has indicated this isn’t on the website yet, but will be soon.)
Take a few minutes and pay it forward this season. You’ll make a difference.