‘people watching soccer’
courtesy of ‘philliefan99’
Biergarten Haus is on the defensive. They’re still sore from the reaming Tom Sietsema gave them in the Post (having your food described as “a lethal weapon” always hurts), and there’s a certain measure of bitterness amongst the staff against the Yelpers for their similarly worded reviews criticizing, amongst other things, the service. To me, Biergarten Haus isn’t about the food or the waiters, it’s about the beer. And how is the beer? Well, it’s better than the food or the waiters. It’s not the best, but it’s good enough.
Biergarten Haus is the latest and greatest nightlife phenomena in DC. It seems like one comes along every year or so, and Washingtonians pack the place out and make it impossible to find a seat on the weekends. Last year it was Churchkey, this year it’s Biergarten. It’s a blessing and a curse. The broader neighborhood benefits from the patronage that is turned away at the door for lack of space. The patrons themselves face the frustration of massive crowds, slow service and lack of seating.
The beer garden was hyped and highly anticipated before it even opened its doors. After a series of delays and extended soft openings, the DC citizenry was practically clamoring to get inside to experience the Biergarten for themselves. When the establishment finally did open in June, it was rough, to say the least. If you came after 6, there were no seats. If you happened to get a table, you where crammed in with literally hundreds of other people. The staff was too small, the service was too slow and people generally left disenchanted. Continue reading →