One of DC’s amazing hidden strengths is its limitless capacity for technological innovation. So many amazing firms that craft the technology we see and use every day, both online and off, have homes here in the District, and it’s high time that we celebrated that. Frank Gruber’s Shinyheart Ventures, and Peter Corbett’s iStrategyLabs have teamed up for ten days of creative technology events here in Washington DC, and the kickoff is tonight. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Technology
Arlington Named One of World’s Most Intelligent Communities
‘Day 24.10 tablet testing’
courtesy of ‘frerieke’
Those Arlingtonians; they think they’re so smart.
Or at least someone does.
Arlington has been named one of the 2010 Top Seven Communities of the Year, and a role model for the development of vibrant digital age communities.
Of 400 communities worldwide that applied for the honor, only one other in the U.S. (Dublin, Ohio) made the list.
The Intelligent Community Forum, a New York-based think tank, noted Arlington’s technology, educational excellence with a highly diverse population, quality of life, and ability to keep both an independent identity and economic ties to the Feds.
Senate Subway, Then and Now
From historical photoblog Shorpy we get this underground gem:
That’s the Senate Subway, c. 1915, just two years after it started operation, part of the whole Capitol Subway System. After the jump, you can see how the Senate Subway still uses open-air cars, though somewhat more modernized.
(Update: Well, boy is my face red; the ‘today’ photo after the jump is actually from the House subway, not Senate. You can tell I’ve never ridden either system, not having had the privilege of working on the Hill myself.) Continue reading
Time Warner – You’ve Got No Mail!
not such a happy family anymore?
Fresh off the presses today, it seems that a number of employees now at Time Warner/AOL can shorten that to just “AOL”. The board of directors authorized the divestiture of AOL from the company and, as expected for many months (if not years), AOL is left to fend for itself. As a friend of a number of AOL employees, both past and present, I’m sure there’s even more speculation as to what’s going to happen to one of NoVa’s largest employers.
The DC Food Scene: Twitter Edition
‘Pret lunch…’
courtesy of ‘Matt Seppings’
So… I joined Twitter. I know, right? I did it in the name of research for this story, and have liked it so much I think I’ll stay for good. (That may or may not be a hint for you to start following me, cause that makes me feel important and fuzzy and stuff.) So I come at this with an outsider-turned-quasi-insider perspective.
It seems recently all the DC food blogs I follow have gotten on Twitter, and are busy building a little community for themselves (ourselves?) complete with a list of the who-is-who. But us internet-types are always early arrivals, so the other half of my story is who else in the DC food scene, namely DC restaurants and more namely, which DC Chefs, are on Twitter. And then I’ll muse a bit about what twitter can do, and what others hope it can do, for the DC food scene and the betterment of our local food offerings. Ready? Let’s do it. Continue reading
A Modest Proposal for Apple in DC
‘ohne Worte’ courtesy ‘’
Hey Apple! So the Old Georgetown Board hates your store designs. I have a suggestion to make your Georgetown problems go away.
Why I Love DC: David
Capitol Columns #5
Originally uploaded by andertho
My first exposure to Washington D.C. was in 1982 as a side stop on our family’s trip down to see the World’s Fair in Knoxville, TN. On that trip we did the National Aquarium in Baltimore and the National Zoo in D.C.. I remember vaguely, the trees being more plentiful and taller, however I’m also a yard taller now, and they seem now, just a bit shorter. I’m still surprised I remember something from over 26 years ago, but D.C. had that kind of effect.
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