So, you’re so cool and got your iPhone. Now you just wish you could do more with it. I totally get that. I love my iPhone, but it hasn’t yet figured out how I take my coffee in the morning, or what kind of cheese I like with my nectarines (manchego, if you’re curious.)
Now, though, thanks to the brilliant creative minds at, you can use a neato web tool to check when the next train’s coming at any given Metro station. In real time. Yeah, in real time, meaning you can be sitting at O’Sullivan’s or Four Courts, or Bar Pilar, or $awesomeDCBar and you can check to see when you need to start walking down to the Metro to catch a train home. Use it to save yourself from a long-ass wait. Better yet, it works on all devices and browsers, not just the iPhone, so the kids who haven’t yet proven their cool with $500+ of silicon and glass can play too.
Hat Tip, Justin Thorp!
This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs