All Politics is Local, Comedy in DC, Entertainment

Comedy in DC: Sarah Palin Vlogs

Sarah Palin Vlog #8: LIBRARY!

When I was talking with Aparna Nancherla about She-Ha for the last Comedy in DC feature, we got onto the subject of women in politics, and whether or not this year of prominent female candidates would affect the careers of women in comedy. She pointed out the Sarah Palin Vlogs YouTube series, masterminded by Sara Benincasa and DC’s own Diana Saez, who plays the candidate’s fictional hair stylist/assistant/La Leche League liaison/campaign manager Dina Heath-Barr. 

While the appointment of Gov. Palin to the Republican ticket has certainly been a bonanza of material for Tina Fey, Palin’s distinctive hair, glasses, and accent make her an impression-worthy candidate for all manner of female comedians. Saez and Benincasa’s twist on the usual candidate humor, putting her in front of a webcam rather than a lectern and teleprompter, is a unique reflection of our current politics of personality- while it’s debatable whether American presidential elections have ever been about issues and policies rather than personal appeal, an campaign defined by text messages, Facebook fan pages, and other forms of hyper-personal expression is a particularly fine target for parodying with a portrayal of a candidate as the typical narcissistic camgirl. Thanks, Sara and Diana, for shattering the glass ceiling for YouTube bunnies everywhere.

In the interests of equal time and bipartisan mockery, We Love DC is happy to feature a good example of Democratic presidential ticket parody.  Send your suggestions to tiffany -at- we love dc dot com.

Adventures, Entertainment, Technology, The Daily Feed, The District, The Hill

Sneak Peek: The Sant Ocean Hall at NMNH

Sant Ocean Hall

Wow, what a morning. I spent the morning walking through the new Sant Ocean Hall at the National Museum of Natural History on the Mall. We got an introduction from the direct of the museum, and a great tour through the 23,000 square-foot space. We’ll have a full review up on Friday as part of our Tourism column.

However, there was one bit that was way too cool to wait for Friday to share: Science on a Sphere®. The Smithsonian’s new exhibit features this cool technology from NOAA which involves multiple projectors and a suspended gray sphere. It’s based on four desktop computers running Linux and some multiple projectors. It’s just amazing. Click on for the full size video.

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Entertainment, Penn Quarter, We Love Arts

We Love Arts: Romeo & Juliet

Drew Eshelman as the Nurse. Photo by Scott Suchman.

Drew Eshelman as the Nurse. Photo by Scott Suchman.

Shakespeare Theatre Company’s “Romeo & Juliet” is a perfectly acceptable production, with the usual beautiful sets and exquisite costumes one expects from them. But it’s a workhorse production, with nothing new to say or add to the performance history. That in itself isn’t really a problem – traditional mountings of plays allow one to reconnect on a basic level with text and character, and this would be a good introductory piece for say, a high school audience to view. But I expect more from STC.

I expected even more than usual, given the press materials’ quoting of director David Muse’s hope that an all-male cast would give a “fresh and dangerous and transgressive” approach to the production. But in this era, just doing an all-male cast is not going to give you transgressive. It isn’t even innovative anymore – companies such as the Globe and Propeller have been doing it for the last decade – a fact pointed out without irony by STC’s own materials (I kept waiting for the punchline in that article – “and now, DC finally catches on to the trend!”). There has to be something more to set it apart. So why do an all-male cast and leave almost everything else derivative and traditional? Oddly, this was the least testosterone-fueled production I’ve ever seen, the opening brawls lacking any sense of the explosive danger of the feud between Capulets and Montagues.

Matters aren’t helped by a Romeo and Juliet with absolutely no chemistry together. Continue reading

Entertainment, The Daily Feed, WTF?!

Really DC50, Did You Need To Go There?

Originally uploaded by tbridge

I was walking through Barracks Row today and spotted this ad for bodice-ripper show Gossip Girl on the CW. I recognize the glare makes it hard to see it, but that’s a black guy(1) giving that white girl a hickey, emblazoned with the text, courtesy of the Boston Globe, “Every Parent’s Nightmare.”

Okay, the show has a lot of drinking and some sexual content, but did you really need to go all 1950’s-in-Georgia on us?

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Entertainment, Food and Drink, The Daily Feed

Cupcakes and brass bands

Cupcake fez
Originally uploaded by tiffany bridge

On Friday afternoon, a friend announced on Twitter that she’d had a bad day and wanted a margarita. Within 10 minutes, we had plans to meet up for post-work margaritas and fajitas, followed by a trip downtown to catch She-Ha at the Improv. So we finished our dinner and headed into town, in a TT with the top down, no less, on a perfect late-summer night. Upon arriving at the Improv, however, we discovered that there was only one ticket left for She-Ha, which did not suit the two of us.
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Adventures, Alexandria, Entertainment

Tourism: The Potomac Riverboat Company

Photo courtesy of Me
Out on the Potomac
courtesy of Me

I’ve thought about taking one of the Potomac boat trips for almost the full seven years I’ve lived in the DC area and have always passed on it. When I proposed writing this feature Jenn L chimed in that she’d always wanted to go but never had, so apparently I wasn’t the only one. In retrospect I don’t know why I balked at the price. If you take the poorly named – but very enjoyable – “mounments cruise” you can expect to pay about $25 for a round trip, which isn’t the most I’ve ever paid for two hours of entertainment. You can start in Georgetown or Alexandria and in fact you’re under no obligation to purchase a round trip. Continue reading

Comedy in DC, Entertainment

Comedy in DC: She-Ha, Princesses of Power

She-Ha, Comedy that makes up the 25% wage difference with Laughter
She-Ha, Princesses of Power – art by Clay Yount, click to embiggen.

One of the axioms of standup comedy is that it’s a much harder business for women than for men. There are lots of theories floating around about this, usually pointing fingers at SOMEONE’S latent sexism: comedy club audiences, comedy club owners, a society that gives women more family responsibilities than men, etc.  What IS certain is that there are fewer working female standup comics than males, and it’s a shame because there are some damn funny women engaged in this art form.  

She-Ha, Princesses of Power is an all-female lineup appearing next Friday and Saturday at the DC Improv Comedy Lounge, featuring some of my personal favorite superheroines of standup. The show features Erin Jackson, Diana Saez, Aparna Nancherla, Lisa Fine, Leslie Cooley, Kat Wilderotter, Andrea Fuller (Friday), and Jen Wardrop (Saturday).  Having seen Aparna, Lisa, Leslie, and Kat many times around town, I can only tell you to GO. I continue to secretly wish Iran’s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would start making noise again just so Aparna can do the bit about Ahmadinejad’s Myspace page some more. So there you have it, these comics are so funny that I’m wishing for an international incident with a potentially nuclear power in the Middle East.

She-Ha, Princesses of Power, will appear at the DC Improv Comedy Lounge on Friday and Saturday, September 19th and 20th, at 8:00 PM. Tickets are $10: buy them through the Improv.

All Politics is Local, Comedy in DC, Entertainment

Comedy in DC: Politics is Funny. No, Really.

Greg Tindale of Washington Improv Theater, Photo by Katie Jett

Greg Tindale of Washington Improv Theater, Photo by Katie Jett

‘Tis the season, friends: it’s a presidential election year. While we here at We Love DC are fond of reminding everyone that DC is more than just the three-ring circus we call “politics,” there’s no escaping the fact that it remains our primary export. So it should come as no surprise that Washington Improv Theater is presenting two politically-themed shows this fall, each distinct and potentially holding up to multiple viewings.

iMusical: The Secret Lives of Presidents is just that- an improvised musical featuring a different president or first lady each week. I don’t know about you, but I’m already pretty impressed with the cojones of people who can promise not only to improvise an entire musical about Mary Todd Lincoln, but that it will also be funny. The show debuts Thursday, September 4th at 8PM at Source Theater.

POTUS Among Us sounds like it might be funny if only because it’s closer to how I wish elections were really run: Performers take suggestions from the audience to create their campaign platforms, and then improvise their way through speeches and debates all the way to the general election. Imagine the glory of unscripted musings from people seeking elected office, completely dependent on what their constituents- er, audience- demand they talk about. This show debuts Friday, September 5th, at 8PM at Source Theater.


Social Calendar: August 28 – September 3

“Columbia MD” courtesy of nosauten

Before we get into what you should do, one thing you should not. Please avoid Love on Friday with their totally skeevy “March on Washington” tie-in marketing. Dr. King did not actually approve that flier (and it is not even very good).

Thursday, August 28: First of all, it is a cool, damp, lovely day that suggests autumn will be here soon and I am a major fan. As for tonight, North Carolina-via-Baltimore’s Adventure will be playing the Velvet Lounge and are worth hearing. This is the second date of their busy fall tour (to be followed immediately by a spot on the famous and amazing Round Robin Tour). It weirds me right out that I could see Benny here tonight – and then again in San Francisco where I will be living in just a short while…

Friday, August 29: Remember when everyone claimed that kuduro was going to be the new baile funk? If so, you probably read too many mp3 blogs and should go outside more. Luckily, there is a safe place for you to go: Rad! at Selam. Just read the flier for a near-complete list of popular dancefloor-approved genres of the world. (Note to the djs, should they read this: I noticed you mention Belgian electroclash. Instead, maybe you could play some Belgian jump style? I do not think Diplo has picked that up yet. That would be hilarious/impressive.)
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Entertainment, Special Events

Flame on!

Photo courtesy of Me

DSC_0693, courtesy of Me

Our scheduled comedy post for today fell through so I am going to attempt to distract you with the highly advanced technique that cognitive scientists call “Look! Shiny!”

Or in this case, “oooh, fire!” I took the above picture – along with a whole lot more – at the Palace of Wonders on August 15th. That’s Reggie Bugmuncher from Philly’s Olde Town Sideshow. I’ll tell you more about the show and show more of my pictures later, but that’s one of my faves.


Social Calendar: August 21 – 27

“Local Color” courtesy of RSchley

Thursday, August 21: The Silver Spring Marimekko store hosts some neat events. Tonight a Goodwill at Marimekko – Vintage Trunk Show. From 5pm to close the DC Goodwill Fashionista and co. will be selling carefully-selected vintage and retro pieces for your fall wardrobe.

Friday, August 22: Sean dropped us an email as one of the djs of Fatback and reminded us that their party is moving from it’s old home at Dahlak to The Red Lounge on 14th St for the first time this month. I am told this new place is air conditioned. My dj boyfriend digs this newish party above most in the city, but that is at least 50% for the name and the great tee shirts

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Comedy in DC, Entertainment

Comedy in DC: Jeff Maurer

Jeff Maurer

Jeff Maurer

I’ve caught Jeff Maurer at the Hotel Topaz Thursday comedy nights a few times, and one of the things that always struck me is the control in his delivery- most comedians act like they’re telling jokes, which is fine, because hey, you’re at a comedy club. Jeff sounds like he’s telling a story to his friends at the bar, which just adds to the comedic value, I think. See for yourself; I particularly recommend the “Appetizer” clip. You can catch Jeff this week opening for Mike Birbiglia at the DC Improv.

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Social Calendar: August 14 – 20

umbrella courtesy of needlessspaces

Mid-August and it does not seem like there is that much going on this week. No cannot-miss shows or events, just enjoy the quiet streets

Thursday, August 14 I messed up a little last week, and gave you a hint at what to do tonight: Thao Nguyen & The Get Down Stay Down at the Black Cat. Given that, you get a bonus second Thursday suggestion: GOOD Magazine hosts a fundraiser for Ashoka during a “changemaking happy hour” held at Lotus Lounge.

Friday, August 15:Every Friday, there is free, live jazz in the National Gallery of Art’s Sculpture Garden. Bring a picnic and a date (one of these is for sale on-site as well).

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Comedy in DC, Entertainment, People

Comedy in DC: Roger Mursick

Roger Mursick

Roger Mursick is a standout in the local comedy scene- while most local comics I run into have day jobs and can only work on the road on weekends, Roger has been a working comic for 28 years, traveling to shows nationally as well as appearing at the DC Improv, Wolftrap, and the Laugh Riot at the Hyatt. While Roger has been a syndicated columnist, performed on Comedy Central, and written for The Tonight Show, he frequently does short sets at open mics and smaller venues around DC to stay sharp between corporate and national bookings.

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Social Calendar: August 7 – August 13

Evil Robot Staring Contest courtesy of Pianoman75

Once again, I am writing this column from somewhere other than Washington. This makes me sad because, even in the doldrums of August when it seems like little is going on, I would still rather be at home. In just a few more weeks, I will be leaving, and each time I go away for a few days, I miss DC a little more.

Thursday, August 7 Commonwealth opened yesterday. Go and tell me if it lives up to the hype.

Friday, August 8:A few weeks back, our chum DJ C played the LODA event up at Gallery in Silver Spring. Unfortunately, I was alerted too late to tell you that week, so I will tell you to go this week instead. The Nouveau Riche djs will be in one room and the Disco City djs in the other.

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Entertainment, Music

A Night of Firsts at the Symphony

Photo shamelessly cropped from NPR’s story on Dead Symphony no. 6

A friend and I went to see the Baltimore Symphony perform “A Symphonic Tribute to the Grateful Dead” at  Meyerhoff Symphony Hall in Baltimore this evening, what would have been Jerry Garcia’s 66th birthday. While I’m not the biggest deadhead in the world, I can certainly appreciate the musicality of Mr. Garcia and his gang. I figured that spending the night listening to a symphonic version of their ditties wouldn’t be so bad. And one of my favorite orchestral works of all time, Berstein’s Overture to Candide was on the program.

It seems that when you combine the refinement and class of the traditional symphony-going audience with the summer of free love embracing hippies that constitute a large majority of grateful dead fans, you end up with a unique audience for a symphony orchestra. I’d like to present you with a “List of Firsts” I witnessed this evening:

  1. First time I’ve ever seen people were tye dye to the symphony. Some “dressed up” their tye dye t-shirts a bit by wearing a suit jacket on top of them. That was a nice touch with the jeans. (Disclaimer: I wore jeans, but no tye dye.)
  2. First time I’ve seen people (lots of them) wear baseball caps to the symphony. There were probably 100 people in baseball caps, cowboy hats, and other non-traditional head coverings.
  3. First time I’ve seen security guards at a symphony. They were checking bags as people entered, and also stationed around the concert hall.
  4. First time I’ve seen security guards attempt to throw a person out WHILE the orchestra played. The guard did it in hushed voices and hand gestures, but it was still wildly distracting. The man he was trying to throw out was in the middle of one of the center orchestra rows and refused to leave. After several minutes of stern looks and angry gestures, the guard gave up.
  5. First time I’ve seen the guy in the row directly in front of me light up a joint and start smoking it WHILE the orchestra played. This was not the guy the security guard was attempting to kick out. And I’ve got pictures of him sneaking a drag. Continue reading

Social Calendar: July 31 – August 6

“Union Station” courtesy of erin_m

Thursday, July 31The many photographers among you will likely enjoy this week’s Phillips Collection Artful Evening. Showcasing the current exhibition “Brett Weston: Out of the Shadow,” gallery talks at 6 and 7 will discuss the abstract, organic work of the noted photographer. The Collection continues the Artful Evenings series when it stays open until 8:30 on Thursday nights throughout August.

Friday, August 1: You probably already have tickets to see Bon Iver but will recommend something less Bob Boilen-y since tickets are long sold out. Try Liberation Dance Party at DC9. The long-running indie-pop-heavy night is probably the event of most-frequent “hey, I know this track!” outbursts, which is sometimes a good thing.

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Comedy in DC, Entertainment

Comedy in DC: Festival Time!

Many professions and art forms have festival events, where the up-and-comers try to get noticed, get to mingle with the Big Names, and where enthusiasts for that particular art form or profession get to geek out to their hearts’ content- Defcon, Cannes, Dragon*Con, at heart, they’re all about the same thing- people who love something getting together to celebrate it. Comedy is no different- there are multiple comedy festivals each year, days-long binges of laughter where comedians get to perform for each other, talk about the craft of comedy, and educate one another. Toronto, Las Vegas, and Aspen are the most famous, so you may not know that here in DC, we have our very own comedy festival that draws some serious talent while showcasing some of our own finest local comics.

The DC Comedy Fest starts next week and the schedule is packed with sketch comedy, standup comedy, panel discussions, and classes.  Their site has the full listing, by performer and by event, as well as tickets for individual shows, passes by venue, and a full-festival pass. They’ve got shows downtown, shows on U Street, shows in Arlington. There’s really something for everyone, but here are my picks for particular highlights:

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Entertainment, Interviews, Music

District Mixtape: Bottles/Cans



Bottles/Cans are performing at the Black Cat Tuesday night. We caught up with them between their stops in Minneapolis and New York to talk about making music here in Washington – even when it means falling through a stage.

A live recording of Bottles/Cans’ song “Everybody Knows,” is introduced by letting the crowd know that “This one is pretty rowdy.” Rowdy is a good general introduction to Bottles/Cans music – swaggering, southern influenced, and steeped in a bit of jazz and blues (and maybe a bit of PBR as well).
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