Meg (Music) Photo Courtesy of Laura Warman
I have a huge, festering blog crush on total internet sensation 2birds1blog. Written by two friends and ex-roommates, Chris and Meg, the blog has me snickering all day long. Snarky, irreverent, honest and totally hilarious, co-author Meg, lives here in DC. Her witty commentary about all things in our city regularly keeps me entertained, I can always relate to posts about the metro, her gym crush (me, thinking: zomg I totes have a gym crush too1!!), and other DC-centric things. Not only is DC mentioned in random posts, Meg has penned a few blog posts solely on the topic of DC, one of my favorites is 6 Reasons You Should Love DC. This post, plus her winning personality? All make her perfect for a She Loves DC nod here on We Love DC. So, as a gift to you, dear reader, I give you Meg, from 2birds1blog.
Katie: Why DC? What made you decide to take up residence in our fair city?
Meg: I’m originally from the area and then went to school at American University. After graduation I decided I needed a little break from DC and moved to New York. I came crawlin’ back a year later. What can I say? DC’s got her hooks in me.
What is your favorite place in DC?
On my roof, poolside, Miller High Life in hand, magazine in my lap. Given that, you wouldn’t think I’d be so offensively pale, and yet, here we are.
What would you change about DC if you could?
Sweet mother of God, the weather. All I have to say is T-minus 34 days until the Fall equinox.
If DC were to go on a date with another city, what city would DC be best with?
Here’s how I see it: DC is a lot like Rachel Leigh Cooke’s character in the movie She’s All That—seemingly shy, nerdy, smug and a little stand-offish. We need someone who’s going to take the time to get to know the real DC. Because on the inside, we’re actually not shy and nerdy at all; we’re interesting and creative and any city would be lucky to date us. We need to find the city equivalent of Freddie Prinz, Junior. So I guess what I’m trying to say is Boston. Continue reading →