Entertainment, The Daily Feed

Give the Gift of Local Film Festivals

Photo courtesy of
‘the heights’
courtesy of ‘philliefan99’

Make room in your calendar for a year of opening nights. This holiday, give the gift of the “Red Carpet Pass:” tickets to 23 participating local film festivals – with new festivals being added every week. From documentaries and short films to foreign and local films, D.C. Film Alliance’s movie pass has something for everyone.

For a $300.00 donation ($100 is tax deductible), give your honey the year-long gift that she’ll appreciate more than a gym membership. The passes are on sale now at the DC Film Alliance Web site.

Currently participating festivals: Continue reading

Adventures, Entertainment, Essential DC, Life in the Capital, Special Events, The Daily Feed

National Parks Not National Parties

Photo courtesy of
‘B’day party at the park’
courtesy of ’emrank’

Today’s Georgetown Metropolitan covered the growing incidence of kids’ parties staged at Montrose Park, part of Rock Creek National Park,  in Northwest DC.

Apparently, some of these parties have gotten “a little crazy” with parents trucking in pony rides, miniature petting zoos and moon bounces.

From the GM article, it appears the parties aren’t causing the neighborhood any trouble, but word seems to spreading, so my suggestion to neighborhood parents is to stick with the classic pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey and pinata. You can’t go wrong with those classics.

Entertainment, Essential DC, Food and Drink, Fun & Games, Life in the Capital, Night Life, The Daily Feed

Saving The Planet One Drinking Game At A Time

Photo courtesy of
‘Max’s Cup Tower’
courtesy of ‘Kevin Lawver’

I’m all about enjoying a good alcoholic beverage, playing games and being environmentally responsible, so when VAT19 gave me the option to embody these principles in one amazing product, I jumped on it.

This set of  Reusable “Plastic” Cups allows us drinking game players to play pong, flip cup, beer die, etc. to our hearts content, all while knowing we’re saving local landfills from hundred of the classic, red Solo cups.

And no, users of these cups will not throw out these melamine, dishwasher safe cup; they’re much more substantial then the cheap, plastic version.

Entertainment, Music, Night Life, The Features

Got A Song Request? Jacqui Naylor’s Got You Covered. Literally.

Jacqui Naylor 004

I’ve seen a lot of cover bands in my day. You know the types: 40-something guys who need something to do when craving time away from the wife/family or a hobby after work to share with “the boys.” Jacqui Naylor is nothing like that.

Naylor has made a career that spans over a decade out of covering American popular songs from The 20th Century Songbook. From Gershwin’s “Summertime” to Fitzgerald’s “Black Coffee” and even REM’s “Losing My Religion”. Each song is sung with strength and valor in honor of the Great American Jazz Standard.

Naylor came back to DC for two reasons, she said. “There’s a real history here [at Blues Alley] but there’s also a sweetness in DC. There’s just something about it.”

DC would have to agree with you Miss Naylor, seeing as your fans packed the house.

Continue reading

Entertainment, Music, Night Life, The Daily Feed

Acoustic Mashup Artist Jacqui Naylor Visits Blues Alley

Photo courtesy of
‘Mic Check 1,2’
courtesy of ‘Mayes Studios’

What do George Gershwin and AC/DC have in common? To most people, that answer would be — nothing. But Blues musician Jacqui Naylor begs to differ.

Naylor is in DC tonight for two shows  (8 pm & 10 pm). This stop on her fall tour brings her to the historic Blues Alley in Georgetown.

Good luck trying to categorize Naylor into a specific genre. The girl’s got vocal chops equivalent to that of a modern Billie Holiday or bolder Norah Jones. Then, combine those vocals with her newly arranged jazz standards featuring musical compositions by some of classic rock’s biggest names and you’ve got one helluva musical package.

There’s just one thing to remember about Blues Alley though — there’s a $10 minimum purchase requirement per person. But to be honest, feeling like a true Jazz-cat c. 1960 for a night is well worth it.

Tickets for the show are still available.

Business and Money, Entertainment, Fun & Games, The Daily Feed, WTF?!

Ripping Off Childhood Favorites


Recently I’ve been spending a little too much time at my local CVS. Whether I’m filling an Rx, stocking up on 2 for 1 cans of chicken noodle soup or buying toilet paper, I could spend hours roaming the aisles looking at all the “As Seen On TV” offerings and discounted holiday supplies.

However, like the way too early holiday displays, I saw an item there that really busted my buttons. A ripoff of the dearly beloved, totally skillless, Hasbro children’s game Hungry, Hungry Hippos.

WTF! Is nothing sacred anymore? In the ripoff, titled Hungry Dog, the pups don’t have that marble crazy look in their eyes like the hippos.  And the very name of the game with only one “hungry” gives their sub-par dedication to manic marble chomping away.

So my advice to parents is don’t deprive your kids of the real-deal when it comes to classic kids games.  Spend the extra $2 bucks and buy the original.

Adventures, Entertainment, Fun & Games, The Daily Feed

It’s Here! It’s Here! It’s Almost Here!

Photo courtesy of
‘Twilight candy’
courtesy of ‘Joe in DC’

I didn’t see the 2008 blockbuster Twilight in the theater. In fact, like many non-tweens, I pretty much missed all the hype/hubbub surrounding its release. I figured it was one of those Miley Cyrus/Hanana Montana movies, and lord knows I’d never go anywhere near that crap. But then one wintry Saturday night, when I had had a little too much to drink the night before, and my roommates were headed out for the evening, and I’d have the place all to myself I ordered it On Demand and, to my embarrassment, got hooked. To redeem myself a bit, I’ll note that all I did was watch the film (albeit 2-3 times), but I have not purchased any of the books or paraphernalia.

However, I will be seeing the sequel New Moon in theaters this Friday. Yes, I’m actually willing to pay the $12, so I’m expecting an angst-filled, action-packed, highly entertaining movie that will leave me dying to see the next film Eclipse.

Like most blockbusters, local theaters are showing the new movie from The Twilight Saga starting at 12:01am Friday morning (Thursday night), of note is AMC’s Georgetown Theater which will show the movie in all of it 6 theaters.  At least, I’m not SO desperate to see it that I’ll lose hours of my precious sleep.

Entertainment, Special Events, The Daily Feed

“The Wizard of Oz Turns 70” – Encore Presentation To Be Held At Mazza Gallerie

Photo courtesy of
‘Going to Oz’
courtesy of ‘alessandraelle’

The MGM classic and family favorite “The Wizard of Oz” makes a triumphant return to the silver screen this Tuesday night in Friendship Heights’ Mazza Gallerie theater at 6:30 pm. Classic film historian and Turner Classic Movies host, Robert Osborne, will be in attendance to introduce the film and share the documentary “To Oz! The Making of a Classic”. “To Oz!” gives fans a behind-the-scenes look at how L. Frank Baum’s children’s novel became a timeless film sensation for generations and generations to come.

This event is sponsored by NCM Fathom, Warner Home Video, and Turner Classic Movies, and tickets are still available at MovieTickets.com

Entertainment, Essential DC, The Features, Tourism

Tourism: The Newseum

First Amendment Etched in Glass

Last Saturday, my wife and I decided to take some family members out to the Newseum on Pennsylvania Avenue. It was the first time I’d been able to visit the place since a pre-pre-pre-opening tour I’d had back in 2006 (when there were practically no displays in place, just the news van and the Checkpoint Charlie tower). And, for the record, the Newseum hooked us up with tickets; even so, I think the museum could be worth the full $20 admission price.

And yes, I said ‘could.’ I’ll qualify that later for you.

The building itself is a marvel of architecture. Designed by Polshek Partnership Architects, the combination of open space, glass and concrete blends well within the museum. The mix provides division for each contained exhibit (permanent and visiting), yet bleeds back into the open air of the general concourse. I suppose I could say it’s like the news field and media blending with the openness of life and all that, but why bore you?

The Newseum certainly won’t. Continue reading

Entertainment, The Daily Feed

Bowen McCauley Dance


Alicia Curtis and Dustin Kimball in "Lucy's Playlist," Bowen McCauley Dance. Photo credit: John McCauley

 This Sunday, Bowen McCauley Dance will be performing three pieces at the Kennedy Center’s Millenium Stage, free at 6pm. Featuring not just the artistry and athleticism of the professional company, but the Kenmore junior company and Dance for Parkinson’s Disease (PD) as well.

Bowen McCauley is the only dance company in the area to provide free weekly classes for people with PD, artistic director Lucy Bowen McCauley having received training and certification from the originators in New York – the prestigious Mark Morris Dance Group. This Sunday class participants will perform a piece called “If I Can’t Dance,” accompanied by folk singer Grace Griffith.  

“On this small stage you will see a huge show,” says Lucy, “involving the young, the old, the disabled, the professional, with live musicians and all for free.” Sounds pretty uplifting to me after a dreary grey week. Head out to the Kennedy Center this weekend and enjoy.

Entertainment, Music, The Daily Feed

Super Diamond Comes to 9:30

Photo courtesy of
‘At the Super Diamond Show’
courtesy of ‘rejohnson71’

Super Diamond, the Neil Diamond tribute band, will be playing the 9:30 Club this Friday at 8PM. Yes, you read that right. DJ lil’e will be getting things started with an all-80’s set, and then Randy “Surreal Neil” Cordeiro and his band will be taking the stage to play the rest of the show. You may laugh, but one of my favorite concert surprises of all time was when the Japanese Beatles tribute band Silver Beats opened for The Killers at the Patriot Center. They were great, and I felt like I had already seen a great show by the time The Killers started their set. So I feel like I owe it to myself, and of course to Neil, to find out if Super Diamond is any good.

Entertainment, Essential DC, Fun & Games, Life in the Capital, Night Life, People, Special Events, The District, The Features

Georgetown Halloween 2009

Photo courtesy of
‘Halloween in Georgetown’
courtesy of ‘ep_jhu’

Ever since moving to DC in 2006, I have managed to miss out on the Georgetown Halloween scene for one reason or another, so this year I vowed to check out the madness and see what all the hubbub was about.

Our method of event transportation from Glover Park was on foot, which was a wise decision give the street closures. We arrived on the scene at around 11pm, and found the M Street inundated with costumers.  The DCPD had temporarily fenced in the sidewalks for crowd control purposes, which created a nice parade-like crowd movement along the M Street corridor.  The bars were jammed packed with waiting lines, and picture takers were everywhere. Continue reading

Entertainment, Special Events, The Daily Feed

CityDance: Latitude

City Dance Ensemble, photo credit Paul Gordon Emerson

City Dance Ensemble, photo credit Paul Gordon Emerson

CityDance Ensemble has just returned to their DC homebase from tours in the Middle East and Chile, and are settling into the Kennedy Center’s Terrace Theatre for two performances this Thursday and Friday at 7:30pm. “Latitude” features contemporary works by Artistic Director Paul Gordon Emerson, Choreographer-in-Residence Christopher K. Morgan, and others from Brazil, Chile, and Israel.

This year they were awarded the DC Mayor’s Award for Excellence in an Artistic Discipline, no small feat. They even run an early arts outreach program teaching dance to kids across DC. Dancer Magazine calls them “breathlessly innovative.” Go see why.

Entertainment, Media, News, Special Events, The Daily Feed

A Good Way To Spend Lunch

Photo courtesy of
‘Hipster PDA’
courtesy of ‘koalazymonkey’

Got time for a long lunch?  Then head over to the Center for Digital Imaging Arts (CDIA) on Friday, October 30th from 12-2pm to check out “Art & Copy,” a documentary about advertising and innovation that includes some of the industry’s greatest minds, like George Lois, Mary Wells, Cliff Freeman, Dan Wieden, Lee Clow, Hal Riney and others. The film’s executive producer, Kirk Souder, will be on hand for a Q&A post viewing. The film will not be widely released, so this is your only chance.

Correction: Earlier posting showed today’s date.

Entertainment, Fun & Games, Special Events, The Daily Feed

Just What I Needed, An Opera Costume

Photo courtesy of
‘Turandot Costume’
courtesy of ‘Roberat’

I don’t know about you guys but I’ve had an opera costume on my “must have” outfits list for a while, and this Saturday and Sunday (from 10am-5pm) I’ll finally have the opportunity to get one at the Washington National Opera’s Costume Sale. Ok, well maybe a 20 pound, girdled, Mikado kimono has not been on my mind, but if you’re looking for an awesome Halloween costume, this is your event.

Prices for full costumes range from $10-$200 with accessories priced at $2 or more.  The sale is taking place at the WNO Studio in Takoma Park (6925 Willow St, N.W., Washington, D.C.)

Alexandria, Entertainment, Food and Drink, The Features

Modern Gents at Morrison House

Champagne Sabering

"Jason Tesauro sabers champagne" by Jenn Larsen, on Flickr

Maybe it’s easier to define feminine elegance than masculine, but one thing I know for sure – a man can be elegant without losing his swagger. In fact, both complement the other. It’s no coincidence that the men who best epitomize this quality are usually from another era – Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant, Duke Ellington, Steve McQueen.

Sound appealing? Enter Jason Tesauro, author of The MODERN GENTLEMAN: A Guide to Essential Manners, Savvy & Vice. Earlier this week I had the privilege of attending a complimentary preview of his upcoming series at Morrison House in Old Town. These four courses are designed to give modern gents a roadmap for mixing confidence with class. Or as Jason put it, to give you “a code of ethics even in the dicier areas of vice.”

Want to learn how to saber a bottle of champagne? How to navigate the world of artisan cocktails, stocking your home bar with confidence? How about choosing hand-rolled cigars, carving a bird, learning about custom tailoring, all while wooing the ladies? Covered, in true raconteur style. Continue reading

Adventures, Entertainment, Fun & Games, History, Special Events, The Daily Feed, The Great Outdoors

Life & Death On The C&O

photo courtesy of NPS.gov

photo courtesy of NPS.gov

This Saturday from 6:30-9pm, the National Park service will host the 13th Annual Life & Death on the C&O Canal at the Great Falls Tavern Visitors Center in Great Falls, MD.

Volunteers and park rangers will take visitors on a one-hour journey back in time, and recreate the trials and tribulations experienced by the men and women who built, lived and staffed the canal during its 96 year long history. Every interpretation is based on documented facts or legends, and interpreters will present various 15 minutes programs throughout the evening.

Reservations are recommended and the program is not for young children.  Ticket prices are $6 for adults, and $4 for seniors and children (4-14).  Call 301-767-3714 for information and reservations.

Entertainment, Fun & Games, Life in the Capital, News, People, The Daily Feed, The District

Who Would Win In A Fight?

Photo courtesy of
‘Battle of the Beltways’
courtesy of ‘brianmka’

The Nationals’ Screech? Or the Orioles’ The Bird?

Well, in the battle over D.C. TV ratings, our neighbors to the north have won. According to the Washington Business Journal, “D.C. is the only TV market in the country where a team from another city (the O’s) gets better ratings than the hometown team.”  That’s sad.

What’s sadder still is that the two teams combined for 201 losses. :(

Entertainment, Fun & Games, The Features

We Love Crafts: Fall

Photo courtesy of
‘potato printing acorn and pumpkin’
courtesy of ‘jimmiehomeschoolmom’

The weather is cooling, cravings for hearty stews are upon us and hibernating within our homes is becoming the norm. As we’ll be spending more and more time inside, hiding from the cold and darkness that winter will bring, it’s time we turn our attention to some of the amazingly creative and fun crafts the fall season brings.

Personally, I’m really big on craft projects that will actually be useful, especially since I just moved and my apartment is in serious need of some decoration. Plus, there’s no better feeling than to finish a project and immediately see your hard work put to good use. I’m BIG on not spending a lot of money. One, because I don’t have the budget and, two, because I tend to have a lot of useless stuff around the house that can be recycled for crafting purposes. I also think that crafts projects should last at max only 4 hours and should be completed by that time.  No one wants to have shreds of felt paper, uncapped glue sticks and newspaper around their apartment for weeks at a time.  My motto: keep crafts simple, fun and doable. Continue reading