Coffee time: suck it up mug
courtesy of Ted Drake
Dear Senator Casey,
It’s touching that you have decided to rail against the Nationals new policy of selling to the home market first for games against the Phillies. Really, it is.
It’s not like unemployment is a problem, or there are massive deficits in the federal budgets, or heavy duty partisan bickering sessions over things that matter to Americans everywhere, like the new Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, or things of those natures. No, clearly Philly fans being told to wait their turn on tickets for a series three months from now rises to a level of concern for you.
Here’s something you should recognize about the District: we don’t tend to like it when out of town senators and congress critters try to influence city policy.
Take a hike.
The Phillies may have some of the best fans of the world, but they’ve also got some of the worst. Need I remind you of the projectile vomiting fan? He’s one of yours. I’m sure this little old lady is, too.
Please, do your country and your constituents a favor and get back to working on issues that matter.
Tom Bridge, Editor, We Love DC
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